Chapter Twenty Morgan Bane's POV

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From the moment we woke up it was chaos. Every single member from every pack was busy running around, preparing for the battle with last-minute checks on the fortification of the pack grounds as well as with setting traps in the woods that surrounded the grounds for at least twenty miles or more in each direction. We had made it so that Marcus had no choice but to meet us where we had the greatest advantage. Casey, Jess, and Benji were busy overseeing the reinforcement of weak spots around the pack grounds, ensuring that there would be no possible way for our enemies to get in.

I knew that the pack, our pack, was their top priority and that they would do anything in their power to protect it and keep everyone who couldn't fight, safe. I made my way into the woods where Jax and Adam were overseeing the placement of traps within a three-mile perimeter of the battlefield. I reached them and the thirty others that were helping within under a minute. "What can I help with?" I asked Jax when I had located him. "We have the south and east perimeter armed and covered, traps set throughout the woods, and wolves in the trees, we are doing the same on the north side. If you and Adam can take fifteen wolves to the west side and get started it would be a great help, Luna." Jax said smiling despite the stressed look in his eyes. I smiled tightly at him, concern and dread hitting me in full force. The gravity of uncertainty that we were about to face weighed heavily on us all.

It took just over an hour to get both perimeters up and covered and each wolf into position. Casey, Jess, Benji, and her parents joined the three of us on higher ground, in the middle of the secured perimeter we had created. A little over fifty wolves stood prepared and ready behind us. I watched as Casey walked a few steps in front of us, taking a deep breath to steady herself before turning around and facing us all.

"I stand amongst you all at this time of war, to right the wrongs of the past, to reset injustices done not only to our kind but to all others. I stand, humbled yet not alone, in the midst and heat of battle, in the calm before the storm, to live or die amongst you all as an equal, to lay down my life as you would, for the goddesses and for our packs, our people, my honor and yours. Shall we allow our audacious enemy to violate all that we stand for?!" "No!" Everyone shouted. "Will we allow our families, our children, our future to be carried on in terror?!" "No!" They all shouted once again. "I will stand for it no longer. So we will march forth, to meet our enemy and tear from him the laurels he has won on the backs of our fear. Here, today, we stand firm and strong, united to fight for a better tomorrow. We will stand and fight, here and now to bring salvation and freedom, righteousness and justice to all. We will stand and we will fight!" Casey finished fist in the air. I looked around in wonder, every wolf hanging onto each word she had said. "We stand, we fight!" the crowd shouted, their fists joining hers' in the air, adrenalin fuelling each and every one of us just as shouts from our enemies echoed through the valley before we saw them running towards us, Marcus leading the charge.

Casey turned around to face the charging rogues, steal holding her steady, rage and a sense of purpose surrounding her entire frame. We readied ourselves, waiting in anticipation for her order. "Now!" She shouted, everyone, shifting into their wolf form as Casey lead the charge. We met in the center of the open valley clashing against our enemies, wolves from both sides crashing into each other as first blood stained the field, and the first wolf plunged into the ground. Howls echoed as sharp teeth ripped through fur and skin, claws raking through the air in a rapid and futile attempt to kill each other.

With the battle raging around me I had lost sight of Casey, my focus instead on the dark ash-colored wolf in front of me. I swiped at his face, my claws ripping through his flesh as he pounced at me. He tackled me to the ground. Before he could attack further my teeth sank into his throat, my bite forcing its way through as I crushed his windpipe. His body went rigid as he slumped on top of me, releasing a final rattled breath. I had no time to process my first kill, pushing the dead weight off me as I stood once again on all four paws, running to the next hostile opponent that dared to challenge us.

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