Chapter Seventeen Casey Waters POV

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When we had reached the pack grounds members came out in droves to welcome us back. I opened my door as Jess and Benji opened theirs and got out. I walked over to Morgan's door and opened it before placing my hand on her shoulder gently shaking her awake. She opened her eyes and smiled at me which warmed my heart. She had no idea that her smile alone made me weak to the knees. "Come on buttercup, we are home," I said to her, offering her my hand so that I could help her out of the car. She grabbed it and got out.

I watched as she took everything in as if she had been gone for months and forgot the beauty our pack grounds held. I kissed her temple before whispering into her ear, "Take your brother to our home, I will meet you there later." She just nodded her head, grabbed her brother's hand, and walked off in the direction of our home. I stepped toward Jess and Benji, "Gather the pack elders and generals. Meet me in the mess hall." "Yes, Alpha." They replied in unison before doing as I asked.

I watched them leave just as my father approached me. "Father." I greeted him. "Alpha." "I need your guidance, there are things that need to be discussed. I fear that we may have a war on our hands." My father simply nodded his head before replying, "I fear you may be right." "I have called an elders meeting to discuss the possible threat," I told him. "And I would like you there." "As you wish Alpha." He said as we made our way toward the mess hall.

When we had reached the large heavy set oak doors of the mess hall, my father pushed the doors open, allowing me to enter ahead of himself. As I made my way to the head table where my Beta's stood on each side of the Alpha's chair, everyone stood up. The table stood on a slightly raised platform and overlooked the several tables situated in a half-circle around it. I walked past the fourteen elders and six generals of training, battle strategies, and tactical operations, who all bowed their heads in respect, before taking my seat. I nodded my head for everyone to be seated before I started.

"As you are all aware I went on a mission to bring my mate's brother who also happens to be my brother's mate here. You are also aware of the pack he was a part of, the Mist Moon Pack who have always been enemies of not only our pack but others as well. I believe that we may be facing a war in the next couple of months if not sooner." "Alpha if I may." An elder, Bellamy Rivers, said standing up. I nodded my head for him to continue. "If such actions have led to a likely retaliation, why then were such actions necessary? Is the likelihood of war and protentional death outweighed by your mates' brother worth it?" "Elder Rivers you of all people will know firsthand what horrendous acts that pack is capable of," I said as he sat down, completely ignoring the fact that he undermined my actions of bringing Adam here.

"It is time that the Mist Moon Pack and their allies are put in their place. Their ruthless actions have not only gone against our very nature and way of life but it has also put our entire existence at risk. They must be stopped and their reign needs to be ended, at all costs. So yes it was worth it."

"Alpha..." Charlie Hayden, one of the battle strategy generals, spoke. "Yes, general Hayden." "What do you propose we do to meet this threat head-on with minimal casualties?" He asked. "We need to increase the training of every able-bodied wolf we have. We would also need to arrange meetings with our allies to increase numbers. I will confer with generals Lennon and Phoenix in regard to the tactical operations side of things, and how best to fortify our land, and protect the younglings and those unable to fight. In addition, within the next few days, generals Hayden and Marion with the battle strategy division, and myself will discuss various strategies and determine our weakest points of entry in order to protect them."

"Yes, Alpha." The generals acknowledged. "Furthermore I will need to learn everything about the Mist Moon Pack and its allies and I will arrange a meeting with all the elders to discuss this. Generals Hollis and Rene, I will require daily updates on training. I will set meetings at the end of every week to discuss progression." "Yes, Alpha." They said. " I will also need three scouts for each pack we may be up against to gather intel. In two days' time, I will send the scouts for this mission once we have identified the enemy packs. Any questions?" I asked pausing for a long moment. "Then this meeting is done. We will start at first light. Goodnight everyone." I finished.

Everyone got up and made their way out of the mess hall. I made to leave with Jess and Benji but my father stopped us in our tracks. "Casey we should discuss family matters and what it means having Morgan's brother here, for everyone especially your brother." He said. "Yes, we should. Adam is at my house with Morgan. Jax would most likely be there too by now." I told him. "I'll get your mother and meet you there." He replied before walking out the hall, the three of us not far behind him.

I walked with Jess and Benji, catching up to where my parents stood outside their home waiting for us. The five of us walked over to my house. I noticed Morgan standing outside, seemingly lost in thought. I walked up to where she stood and placed my hand on her cheek. She looked up at me and smiled softly before she noticed my parents behind me. "What's wrong? Did something happen?" she asked worriedly. "Love, we should talk inside," I told her. She just nodded her head as we all made our way into the house.

I wasn't surprised to see my brother sitting on the sofa with Adam, they were talking and hadn't yet noticed our entry. "Hey, Jax," I called, laughing when he almost fell off the sofa in fright. I walked over to the two of them, sitting down as they moved up to make room. Morgan made herself comfortable on my lap, Jess and Benji took the two-seater on the left of us, my mother took the one-seater on the left of me while my father elected to stand next to her. "Adam, these are my parents William and Tessa Waters, and my Beta's Benjamin and Jessica." I introduced.

"It's very nice to meet everyone," Adam said smiling shyly. "What's wrong Love?" Morgan asked looking at me. I took a deep breath before saying, " I had called an elders meeting with the generals to discuss the possibility of retaliation from the Mist Moon Pack and their allies. We are preparing for war." I told them. "Do you think it would come to that?" My brother asked. "Knowing Mason Mateo, he will not take the blind attack on him lying down. He is egotistical and we can use that to our advantage. Though it is Elijah Grey we have to worry about, your uncle Morgan. He is ruthless and power-hungry. He stands for everything we despise and he will not go down without a fight." My father informed us.

"I have arranged council meetings with the elders and generals for the weeks coming in order to prepare for any and all possibilities," I told them. "But that is no concern for tonight." My mother started. We all turned to look at her. "We need to discuss Adam, where he will be staying, and how long he will be here." "My mate will stay with me mom, for however long he wants to." My brother said defensively. "Do not take that tone with your mother." My father warned him. "It's okay honey. I only ask because we don't know if he intends to stay here permanently or just for a short while. He is the rightful Alpha to the Bane Pack now that Morgan is Luna of this pack. By all rights, Adam could start his own pack if he so desired. Or he could join ours if that's what he wants." My mother explained.

"If it is okay with everyone..." Adam started. We all looked at him as he continued, "I would like to stay here and be a part of this pack. This is where my sister made her home, my only remaining family member. This is where my mate is. The Bane Pack died along with my parents; it should remain buried with them." He said. "Well okay then, it's settled. You will be initiated into the pack at dusk tomorrow before the entire pack." I announced. Jax shouted in glee as he hugged Adam making everyone laugh and smile and tease his puppy-like joy. It was a happy ending to a long and tense day.

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