Chapter Eight Morgan Grey's POV

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Casey and I spent most of the day in each other's company talking about anything and nothing. The last two hours though Casey spent doing duties and helping to prepare for the festivities that were taking place later tonight. She had left me sleeping in her bed an hour ago and I had grown tired of sleeping so often but Casey insisted, 'doctors' orders'. When I woke up I immediately knew that Casey had not come back yet, so I threw off the covers and got up, stretching my body before making my way down the passage and into the kitchen.

I considered Casey's home ours because I felt so comfortable and at home here. If I was honest with myself I never wanted to go back to my pack. I had never felt like this there, I never felt happy or content or even welcome. Something about them just did not sit right, I had always felt as if I did not belong there but rather somewhere else entirely.

I shook my head, bringing myself out of those spiraling thoughts. I spotted Casey's iPod dock station and began scrolling through her songs. Most of the music she had I listened to as well and some I had never heard of. I stopped when I spotted one of my favorite songs, Crazy by Daniela Andrade. I hit play and started singing along to the familiar lyrics.

I began cleaning up the kitchen, wiping down the countertops, and packing things away. It did not take long for me to familiarize myself with everything and where things belonged. Casey was a lot like me with regards to liking everything organized and tidy. When things are neat it gives you clarity and space to think about everything else. I began washing the few dishes in the sink. I did not even hear Casey walk in and gasped in surprise when I felt her arms around my waist.

"That was quite a show." She whispered kissing my neck. "How long have you been here?" I asked. "Long enough." She replied turning me around to face her. Before I could say anything she kissed me, and I returned it quite contently. She kissed me with a fiery passion igniting a sensual heat between us that seared our lips together. I moaned when she gripped my hips tightly and pulled me closer against her. Her kiss was addictive and I just could not get enough of her.

Everything about Casey was caring and soft with a ridged sense of authority and responsibility. She was the perfect mix of intense heat and calm water.

She pulled away slightly, looking at me with heated eyes and a serious look on her face. "Morgan, I..." I knew exactly what she was going to say and ask. "You do not need to ask." I interrupted her. "I feel the same, I want the same thing. I want you and I want to be your mate." I told her. She cupped my cheek before asking, "are you sure about this?" "Yes, I am yours, Casey Waters." I had never felt more sure about anything in my life. "And I am yours, Morgan Grey." She said before turning my chin to the side to expose my neck.

She placed a light kiss on my neck before sinking her teeth into my skin, marking me as hers forever. She pulled away and looked at me for a second before kissing me then turning her head to the side exposing her neck. I placed a gentle kiss on her neck before sinking my teeth into her supple skin, hard enough to leave a mark but not to draw blood.

I pulled away from Casey slightly as my left side began to burn. I cried out as my side went white-hot with pain. She pulled me tight against her body before she cried out in pain. I knew that our mate mark was forming but I have no knowledge about mates and marks. My father never spoke of such things and banned any talk of it within the pack.

As the burning began to fade then disappear, Casey and I pulled away from each other slightly her hand remaining on my hips. She moved her hands under my shirt, continuing slowly up my body stopping once she uncovered my mark. We were still focused on each other as I repeated her actions, uncovering her mark. She drew in a breath as my fingers grazed over it. The sight that greeted me when I looked down at her mark took my breath away. Her mark was a beautifully designed wolf, one I immediately recognized as my own, howling at a full moon that held an old mate bond rune within it. I wondered if mine matched hers.

She ran her fingers over my mark which caused me to grip her hips as my head grew fuzzy and searing need ignited my blood. She looked at me and I knew that she felt the same way I did. She leaned in to kiss me, our lips meeting in blissful desire. I felt the lust burning between us causing me to tremble. She pulled me against her so that I was leaning against her which deepened the kiss.

She made to move us to the bedroom when a knock came from the front door. I laughed as she groaned and pulled away. "We will continue this later," I promised. We straightened our clothes before Casey turned to the door, "Come in." she said. The door swung open, and Casey's parents walked in. one could only wish for parents like them, they were amazing and good people. Casey greeted them politely. "Hello, Casey, Morgan dear." Her mom greeted. I smiled at them both. "Casey it is time for the festivities." Casey's father said. "We will be there in a moment father." She said as she grabbed my hand and followed her parents to the meeting hall.

"Welcome to the pack." Casey's mother whispered to me. I blushed at the thought of her knowing what had transpired between her daughter and I. if my father ever found out he would most likely punish me or kiss me depending on his mood. We joined the rest of the pack, Casey and I joining her family and friends at the head table. "Let the festivities begin!" her father shouted. The pack cheered as the music suddenly began playing and food was served.

I felt an overwhelming amount of joy fill me. Casey grasped my hand and kissed my cheek lightly. The kiss and softness that Casey had towards me made me melt, her smile was enough to make my knees weak and my heart beat faster. All this was completely new to me. From the pack and how friendly and welcoming they were to Casey's parents and how they were to everyone and to each other. Even the kindness and gentleness that Casey showered me with, I had never experienced it all before.

To say my pack was different was putting it mildly. They were ruthless and cruel and often hurt others just because of the joy they got from being 'bigger' than them. My pack sickened me. For years that was all I knew. Their brutal and arrogant ways always rubbed me the wrong way and I was often punished for not being like everyone else. I never did fit in with them and it bothered me as to why I did not. I wondered sometimes at night if it was a curse or maybe something deeper than that.

I pushed all my thoughts about my pack to the back of my mind and focused instead on the present. As the night progressed and people mingled and talked with each other, waiting for the hunter's moon to fully rise, I sat back and took it all in. I was happy and content and relished and rejoiced because I had not felt this way for as long as I could remember.

One by one members started leaving the great hall as the moon took its place in the middle of the night sky. They left in groups of two or more until it was only Casey's family and friends and Casey and I left remaining. Casey's parents left first then her brother and her betas, Jess and Benji. "The hunter's moon has risen," Casey told me. "Morgan Grey would you share this night with me?" she asked holding out her hand as she stood up. "I would love to," I said taking her hand as I stood up. We made our way out of the great hall and to the edge of the forest that surrounded the entire camp.

"Just give in to your wolf, she knows what she wants and how to do this. It's her instinct." Casey said gently. She must have seen a look of confusion surface. I had never experienced a hunter's moon before had had certainly not thrown caution to the wind and let my wolf have complete control over me. I nodded my head and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath before calling on my wolf. I let her thoughts become mine, let her spirit flow through me, and allowed her being to consume mine. I felt my mind go blank, felt my bones shift, and my entire body change from human to wolf.

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