Chapter Nineteen Casey Water's POV

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It has been three weeks of preparing for a battle everyone knew was coming. Allied packs and their members have been flooding in, setting up camp in the forest surrounding the pack grounds. Trackers from each pack have been keeping tabs on the movements of the Mist Moon Pack and their two large, allied packs, Elijah's pack and a new rouge pack led by Castiel Montero. Their current position puts them roughly two days south of us. We have been fortifying the pack grounds in case Marcus decides to attack it.

I sat in my office, head in my hands as my thumbs rubbed circles on my temples in hopes that it would alleviate my pounding headache. I had meetings all morning, in between walking around the pack grounds to see how fortification was going and my other duties, I was exhausted but I had to push it aside and stride on. A knock on my door dragged me out of my thoughts. I looked up, smiling when I saw Morgan standing in the doorway.

"Hello, my love," I said as she walked in, making her way around my desk before sitting on my lap. I kissed her softly, pulling back to see the sweet smile I'd become addicted to. "How are things going?" She asked me while playing with the buttons on my shirt. "Allied packs have been arriving all week in droves thanks to my father. They have all pledged their allegiance to me and the pack and have agreed to fight by our side. I have had meetings all morning with the elders, council members, and generals to finalize our battle plans. I lost track of all the work I have done in between it all. If all goes as planned we will win over the rouges." I told her.

"And if we don't?" "Then may the goddesses help us all." I sighed heavily. We carried on talking about mundane things after that, trying to get a break from thinking about the upcoming battle. An hour after Morgan had left I called in Benji and Jess who came to my office in a matter of minutes. They both walked in and sat down in the two chairs at the other end of my desk. "Alpha" They both greeted in unison.

"I need to ask you both a favor, but I know I might be asking too much." "What's wrong Cass? What do you need us to do?" Benji asked. "It's Morgan." "Is she okay?" Jess asked with slight panic in her voice. "My mate is fine. I am worried that with the upcoming battle, Marcus or her uncle will try to kill her, out of spite or to get back at me for what I did to Marcus." I sighed before continuing, "I cannot lose her, I need you two to protect her no matter what." I pleaded.

"Cass, we would do anything to protect our Luna," Jess stated. "I need you to understand, that even if my life is in danger, or anyone in the pack for that matter, you both cannot stray from her. This pack would fall apart, I will fall apart if I lost her." I watched as Benji and Jess looked worriedly at each other. "I know I am asking too much of you, but still I am asking, as your Alpha, as your friend..." I trailed off. "Okay," Benji said as he and Jess stood up. "We will do it. We vow to protect her with our lives." Benji said. "This we swear to the goddesses." Jess finished as they both bowed their heads.

I bowed my head at them as a show of my respect and gratitude. I raised my head and looked at my beta's. the three of us had been through so much together and shared so many memories. We had a bond that ran much deeper than the average pack members, deeper than just Alpha-Beta bonds. "Let's head to the feast," I said smiling at them. Benji nodded his head ecstatically as Jess laughed. We walked out of my office, making our way downstairs and into the hall where the feast had just begun.

The hall was packed with not only our pack members but the members of our five allied packs, the last of which arrived this afternoon. I took my place next to Morgan with Benji and Jess on my left. We were seated at the front of the hall with the other Alphas, their Beta and Luna, along with my parents and brother who had his mate, Adam, nestled at his side. Adam seemed to fit in the pack effortlessly just as Morgan had like this pack had always been their home. I knew one thing that was certain, that they will always have a home here, in our pack, and in our hearts. I grabbed Morgan's hand softly, intertwining our fingers together, smiling when she looked at me briefly before leaning in and kissing me sweetly. We broke apart seconds later and re-joined the endless conversation, indulging in the mouth-watering food that covered every table while sipping on the free-flowing alcohol.

After hours of conversing with the five Alphas, who recounted previous battles on repeat as well as discussed pack affairs, I had enough of the night. All I wanted to do was cuddle up with my mate in front of the fire. Despite the winter snow dissipating over the last two weeks, the night air still had a harsh chill to it. I excused myself away from Alpha Williams and his Luna and made my way back to the wall-length where my mate sat with my best friends and our brothers.

Once I reached them, wrapping my arms around my mate's shoulders and whispering against her ear, "Lets' go home my love." I suggested. She turned around in her seat to look at me, a smile lingering at the corners of her lips, "Okay babe." She said getting up. I looked at the others, "would you guys like some coffee or cocoa at our place?" I asked them. A chorus of 'yes' and 'please' greeted me as the four of them stood up and followed us outside, laughing and throwing jokes all the way to our house.

Once everyone had found a comfortable spot to sit or lay back with a steaming mug of coffee in hand surrounding the fireplace, I settled in next to Morgan and made myself comfortable with Morgan's legs across my lap.

I was lost in thought, staring into the crackling fire as if it held answers to questions I couldn't ask out loud. "Hey, Cass, you with us?" Benji asked softly so that his questions wouldn't draw attention to us. "Yeah, all good," I said smiling at him, trying to ease his concern. "I know something is on your mind..." He trailed off. "Want to help me make some cocoa for everyone?" I asked, suggesting that we talk somewhere more private. Benji got the hint, standing up and following me to the kitchen.

"What's up Cass?" He asked while we busied ourselves with the cups of cocoa. "Morgan and I discussed having kids..." I started. Benji patiently waited for me to continue. "I think after the battle we will start trying. And I just got to thinking about the whole process. And I just wanted to ask you first, you know to see how you felt about it." I stumbled over my words. "How I feel about what?" He asked confusion clear in his eyes. "If you would mind being our donor. I know it is a huge ask, but I couldn't think of anyone better to ask." I said. "You want me to be your baby donor?" I sighed, the thought that he would say no popping into my mind. "Yes..." I trailed off. "Oh my goddess, I would be honored, Cass." A huge grin lit up his features.

My heart beat at speeds I didn't know were possible. The image of kids running around Morgan and my home filled me with both joy and hope. I smiled at my best friend as he threw his arms around me and squeezed me hard in a warm embrace. I could feel the excitement buzzing between us.

When we pulled apart I noticed that the house was dead quiet. I looked around, my cheeks heating as I noticed everyone's eyes on us. "Um..." I started, my hands rubbing the back of my neck. "What?" Benji asked. "Why are you two hugging like one of you just won a shit ton of money and is planning to throw a rave?" Jess questioned as Morgan made her way over to us. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders as she wrapped hers around my waist. She nodded her head, giving me the okay to tell them. "Morgan and I are trying for a child, Benji just agreed to be our donor," I announced.

I chuckled at the slightly shocked expressions taking over Jax, Jess, and Adam's faces. "That. Is. Amazing." Jess announced giggling as she jumped up, followed by Adam and Jax as they threw their arms around the three of us. "I am so happy for you two," Jax said smiling at me. "I love you sis, congratulations to you both," Adam said before pulling both Morgan and I into a powerful embrace. "I'm gonna be an aunt!" Jess squealed causing everyone to burst out laughing.

The rest of the evening was spent talking and laughing, basking in the comfortable and joyous atmosphere.

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