Chapter Twelve Morgan Bane's POV

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Casey's father stood up and a hush fell over the room, you could easily see that this man commanded a lot of respect, the authority radiating off of him. "Today I stand before you all to announce the new Alpha. All rise." Everyone stood up as Casey made her way in front of the long table that we sat at.

"I Casey Waters of the Shadow pack, stand before you all to claim the title of Alpha. I stand here before you and swear my loyalty and devotion to my pack. I pledge to stand right and true in my ways, to put the pack first always. I pledge to stand ridged in the face of danger, to protect my pack with my life. I pledge all this and more." She said just as Drew walked up to her, placing a reassuring hand on Casey's shoulder before turning to face the pack.

"If anyone objects to this and wants to challenge Casey Waters's position as Alpha, step forward now," Drew said. There was dead silence as everyone looked at each other before they started chanting, "Alpha!" on repeat for a long minute. Silenced fell over the pack as Casey's father raised his hand and began to speak once more. "I, William Waters, step down as Alpha of the Shadow Pack. I announce Casey Waters, daughter and rightful heir to the title, as Alpha." The pack cheered again as everyone took their seats once more.

Drew turned to Casey. I could not hear what she was saying to her, but a few moments later a shimmering blue aura surrounded Casey. This glowing force stayed around Casey while Drew continued to mutter words I could not understand. It was a language I had never heard before. I was mesmerized by the whole event. When Drew finished and the glow faded Casey spoke again, "I call upon Benjamin Stone." She announced. I watched as Benji stood up and made his way over to where Casey stood. "Benjamin Stone, do you swear to guide and protect your Alpha?" "I do." He said. "Do you pledge your life before the Alpha and your complete loyalty to the pack?" "I do." "Then at your word I deem you Beta of the Shadow pack." Casey finished. Benji bowed his head and turned to face forward.

"I call upon Jessica Rivers," Casey called out. I watched as Jess took her position in front of Casey just like Benji had before. Casey repeated the pledge and at the end, Jess bowed and stood next to Benji. Drew began her work again, a golden aura surrounding the three of them. This lasted a few minutes, everyone watching in silent awe, amazed like I was by what we were privileged to witness. A feast began as the ceremony came to an end. Everyone was eating and talking and laughing, all happy with their new alpha.

Casey and spent most of the late afternoon talking to each other. I got caught up in a light-hearted debate with Benji and Jess most of which we spent laughing while Casey talked with her parents and brother. Everyone was in high spirits. I just wished that my brother were here to see this. "It is time for the Mating ceremony," Casey announced standing up.

Everyone stood up and made their way outside, Casey and I led the pack hand in hand. Night had just fallen but the moon was so bright that it lit up the path clearly. I had no idea where we were going so I let Casey take the lead, guiding everyone through the forest. It took about fifteen minutes to get where we were going and it was worth the short trip. Before me stood an elaborate shrine to Artemis and Selene. Two huge ten-foot silver-plated statues of Artemis, with her bow on her left and a large wolf on her right, and Selene with two obsidian wolves on either side of her. They stood guarding the entrance to the temple behind them, which was made out of solid cobalt bricks, towering another three feet above the goddesses. "It is beautiful is it not?" Casey asked. "It is strikingly magnificent," I replied looking at her and smiling.

Casey and I walked up the three steps, stopping at the entrance of the temple directly in between the two goddesses. We turned to look at the pack that stood gathered before us. "I, Casey Waters, Alpha of the Shadow pack, take Morgan Bane, Alpha of the Bane pack, as my Luna," Casey said to the pack before turning to look at me. "I take you, Morgan Bane, as my Luna, to love and protect. For I am yours and yours alone, from this day forward until my last day, I pledge myself to thee. My heart, my soul, and my life are yours to hold. I vow to hold you up in your weakest moments, to never leave your side when times get hard, to honor you through triumphs and challenges, joy and sorrow. I promise to stand by you through it all. I love you and that is the beginning and end of everything. I am yours." She said with tears in her eyes.

The beautiful words brought tears to my eyes. I wiped them away before repeating the vows Casey had spoken. "I, Morgan Bane, Alpha of the Bane pack, take you, Casey Waters, Alpha of the Shadow pack, as my Alpha," I said standing before the pack then turning to face Casey once more before continuing. "I take you, Casey Waters, as my Alpha, to love and protect. For I am yours and yours alone, from this day forward until my last day, I pledge myself to thee. My heart, my soul, and my life are yours to hold. I vow to hold you up in your weakest moments, to never leave your side when times get hard, to honor you through triumphs and challenges, joy and sorrow. I promise to stand by you through it all. I love you and that is the beginning and end of everything. I am yours." I finished.

The pack cheered as Casey leaned in and kissed me. We pulled away from each other as Drew walked forward and spoke to the pack. "If anyone objects to this blessed union of Morgan Bane and Casey Waters speak now or forever remain silent," Drew asked the pack. A few seconds passed and still, no one had spoken so Drew turned to face us. She began muttering the same language I heard her mutter earlier when she cast that blue aura over Casey. Suddenly I felt warmth spreading throughout my entire body. Images and scenes flashed before my eyes, too fast for me to concentrate on.

It ended as quickly as it had started and I knew that Casey and I were now bound for life to each other. My mark ignited with a warm intensity. I gripped Casey's hand and looked at her. She turned to look at me, her eyes burned intensely with need causing them to go a dark forest green rather than the light lime green I was used to. I knew that my eyes were equally filled with need, but now was not the time to fulfill it.

When the ceremony was over everyone made their way out of the forest and back home, some smiling and others talking, but all seemed to be in high spirits from the day's events. These people were my family now, they were my pack as well as Casey's. that mere fact filled me with pride and joy. They had accepted me as one of their own just like I had accepted them.

The seven of us, Casey, William, Jax, Tessa, Benji, Jess, and I, made our way to Casey and I's home. Casey opened the door, letting everyone enter before she did, closing the door behind her. We busied ourselves with making coffee for everyone as the family sat down and talked about the ceremonies and the feast. Once the coffee was made, Casey and I brought the steaming mugs into the lounge placing them on the coffee table.

Casey and I curled up on the couch together, her arm wrapped around my shoulders as I snuggled into her. "So Morgan." Jax started, taking a sip of his coffee. "Tell us, how does it feel like to be part of our pack?" he asked smiling gently. "Feels great, to be honest. I have the most amazing people around me, present company included. And I have the best Alpha ever who just happens to be my perfect mate. Who could possibly want more?" I said smiling. "That is very true, we are amazing." Benji piped up laughing.

We all continued talking and joking, the conversation never died and a general good vibe surrounded us all making us feel alive despite the late-night hour. Once the conversation died down and everyone's coffee had finished, Casey and I said our goodnights. We hugged everyone and let them out, closing the door softly behind them. "Finally, we are alone," Casey said as she walked towards me. She wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me close so that we were chest to chest. she leaned down and captured my lips with her own. The need that we had felt earlier suddenly ignited the air between us.

"Let us go to the bedroom," Casey suggested. "Yes." That was all I managed to get out. I grabbed Casey's hand and led us down the passage and into the bedroom. Casey kicked the door closed behind us before I pushed her down on the bed, climbing on top of her, my legs on either side of hers. I gripped her wrists in my hands, as I leaned down to kiss her I pushed her arms above her head and held them. She did not resist my motions so I continued. Our kiss grew heated quickly, urgent need coursing through my veins.

I pulled back slowly, breaking the kiss to look at my Alpha. "I love you, Casey Waters," I told her. "I love you too Morgan Bane." She said. I smiled as I leaned down and captured her lips once more. 

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