Chapter Seven Casey Waters POV

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The day quickly passed us by. Morgan and I spent most of the day talking in between my duties and her resting. Everyone was getting ready for the moon hunt. It was a night to celebrate and to be free. The early evening will be spent eating and drinking as everyone waits for the hunter's moon to rise. Then when the full moon rises into the middle of the night sky everyone shifts and runs through the woods embracing their wolves and the exhilarating feeling they bring us.

Most people spend the night with their mate or friends. I fully intend to spend this night with Morgan.

I had just finished up with preparations for the evening. After over an hour of work, I was ready to see Morgan again. I had left her sleeping in my bed while I ran around like a headless chicken. I made my way back to my cabin, exhausted but excited. I passed my parents' cabin and overheard whispered voices. "She cannot know yet William, it would change everything, and I am not sure she can handle it. What if she losses her mate? Then what? It will break her." I heard my mother whisper. "I know honey, but we cannot just leave it be. She has a right to know. Perhaps not now but soon. We cannot keep this to ourselves any longer. If she is going to lead this pack then she should know." My father said back.

I heard shuffling so I quickly made my way to my cabin, confused and conflicted. What were they talking about? Did this have to do with Morgan? Why was it so secretive? I pushed open the front door and walked into my home. I pushed all thoughts aside as soon as I laid eyes on Morgan dancing in my kitchen. A song was playing softly from my iPod dock, I knew it instantly it was one of my favorites, Crazy by Daniela Andrade. She had not yet realized that I had come in, so I stood silently watching her. She was moving her hips to the rhythm of the song, singing along quite perfectly.

I could not take standing away from her when she was moving like that. I made my way towards her. She gasped as I snaked my arms around her waist and pulled her against me. "That was quite a show," I whispered kissing her neck. "How long have you been here?" she asked. "Long enough," I said simply as I turned her around to face me. Before she could say anything, I kissed her, overjoyed when she returned it. I kissed her with a fiery passion, and she returned it equally. The kiss ignited a sensual heat between us, searing our lips together.

I gripped her hips tightly, pulling her closer against me. She moaned and that is all it took for me to lose every sense of control and logical thought. I needed to make her mine in every way possible. I pulled away slightly and looked at her. Her eyes were hot with need and I could only imagine that my own mirrored hers. "Morgan, I..." "You do not need to ask. I feel the same, I want the same thing. I want you and I want to be your mate." I cupped her cheek. "Are you sure about this?" I asked her. "Yes, I am yours, Casey Waters." "And I am yours, Morgan Grey," I said before turning her chin to the side to expose her neck.

I placed a light kiss before sinking my teeth into her soft flawless skin, marking her as mine and mine alone.

I pulled away and watched as the bite faded away. I looked at Morgan for a beat and kissed her before turning my head to the side and exposing my neck to her. She repeated my actions and sunk her teeth into my neck. It was never hard enough to draw blood but hard enough to imprint.

She pulled away and looked at me before crying out in pain. I pulled her tight against my body seconds before I cried out from the searing pain radiating from my side. The mark was beginning to form. It was painful at first, fading into a slow burn then into nothing. Morgan and I pulled away from each other slightly, my hands still on her hips. I moved my hands under her shirt, slowly moving them upwards lifting her shirt in the process. I stopped as I uncovered her mark. I was still focused on her as she moved her hands under my shirt and pulled it up slowly.

I gasped when I looked down at her side where her mark was. The sight that greeted me took my breath away. It was a detailed and perfectly shaded wolf, my wolf, howling at a full moon in stark black ink with our symbolic mate mark in the moon itself. I knew that the one on my side must mirror her own. I ran my fingers over it, drawing in a breath at the tingling that ran through my fingers and seemed to ignite my blood. I looked up at her and knew instantly that she felt the same.

I leaned in to kiss her, our lips meeting in blissful desire. The kiss between us grew hungry as if we could not get enough of each other. Lust burned between us, burning and boiling our blood. I felt her tremble, so I pulled her closer. She leaned against me, deepening the kiss. Our hands were still over each of our marks. It was a link to how the other felt, combining our thirst for each other.

As I made to move us to the bedroom someone knocked on my door. I groaned as I pulled away from Morgan. She laughed, "we will continue this later." She promised. We straightened our clothes before I turned to the door, "come in." I said. The door opened and my parents walked in. "Hello mom, alpha." I greeted. "Hello, Casey, Morgan dear." My mother greeted us. I could tell by the smile on her face that she knew exactly what had just happened and what they walked into.

"Casey." My father started. "It is time for the festivities." He informed. "We will be there in a moment father," I said. I grabbed Morgan's hand and followed my parents out the door and to the meeting hall. "Welcome to the pack." My mother whispered to Morgan. I looked over as she blushed at my mother's words. I grinned. I was beyond happy. Words could not express how I felt knowing that I had not only found my mate but that she was mine now and forever as I was hers.

We joined the rest of the pack, my family, betas, and Morgan joining us at the head of the pack circle. "Let the festivities begin!" My father shouted. The pack cheered as the music started playing and food and alcohol were served. This was going to be a night to remember I thought to myself as I grasped Morgan's hand and kissed her cheek lightly. Smiling at the soft look in her eyes. 

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