Chapter Twenty One Casey Waters' POV

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I led the charge, taking the fight to them, fury and rage fuelling me as I crashed into my enemy, teeth, and claws sinking into the nameless wolf, the sound of their neck snapping satisfying me as the wolf fell to the ground with a thud. I could taste their blood in my mouth as I ran to my next target which I killed effortlessly. The battle raged and I raged with it, killing all those who stood for torment and destruction.

Mid battle a sharp whine echoed through the valley, bouncing off the trees as it pierced my soul. The pain in that cry was a hint I knew so well. I turned sharply in the direction it came from. My eyes couldn't believe or comprehend what I was seeing, and my legs refused to move. I was frozen in place as I watched my mother's throat getting ripped out, my father's lifeless body mangled, and bloodies on the ground mere inches from hers. 'No!' I cried out in a futile attempt. My wolf was frozen in place and all I could do was cry out in anger, in pain at the death of my parents.

I stood still, in the middle of a rampaging battle, bearing witness to the endless slaughter of both sides, of innocent lives being lost for a cause I had now lost hope in. I was consumed yet again by a fiery rage that burned from my core, spreading throughout my entire being. I howled out into the quickly falling night, covered in blood, before running as fast as I could in the direction of the man who mercilessly slaughtered my parents. Marcus will pay for everything he had done, and for the endless crimes I knew without a doubt he would commit if he lived beyond tonight.

I slashed and killed any enemy wolf that dared to stand in my way, killing my way toward my intended target. Marcus turned around just as I jumped into the air landing on top of his body, the force of it causing him to collapse to the ground. I slashed, clawed, dug, and bit into every inch of flesh I could without killing him or without letting him get the upper hand. I wanted him to pay, I wanted him to suffer before I killed him. His blood dripped off my fur as I savagely ripped his throat out in one swift move, killing him in seconds.

A sudden howl dragged me out of my vicious thoughts. I turned around quickly, watching my mate and I would I knew to be Lucas fall over the cliff's edge, too far away from her to do anything. I watched as if it was happening in slow motion, Morgan, with her claws deep in Lucas' flesh, fall over the edge and into the unknown. I snapped myself to alertness and ran as fast as my wolf could to the cliff's edge, looking over it in pure terror that was mixed with a hundred other emotions.

With both leaders killed, one by my own hand and the other by my mate, the battle had ended. The enemy wolves either retreated or surrendered. But at what cost?

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