Chapter Fifteen Casey Waters POV

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Once everyone had showered and had enough caffeine to power a small car we all made our way out of the motel and to the car. Benji and Jess loaded everything into the car while I made my way into the reception to hand the keys over. Once I was done I climbed into the car and turned it on before turning to look over at Morgan. "You ready for this?" I asked her placing my hand softly on her leg. "As ready as I will ever be." She replied, her hand covering mine. I nodded my head and turned back to what I was doing, I put the car into gear and drove back onto the main road.

Four hours later we pulled onto a dirt road seemingly in the middle of nowhere. I followed the makeshift road until we reached a clearing. The sight that greeted us made Morgan gasp in shock. I could tell that she was not prepared for what she was witnessing. Once I had parked the car on the outskirts of the ruins everyone got out. I made my way over to Morgan, my hand resting reassuringly on her shoulder. I watched as Morgan took in all the ruins, her eyes not believing what she was seeing.

She stepped out of my embrace and made her way to the head of the blackened pack grounds where her parents must have lived with her and her brother. I watched as she looked around at everything, the blackened burned down buildings and scattered ashes of what was once a great pack. It hurt me to see the disbelief and pain in her eyes but I stayed where I was with Benji, Jess, and Drew. I watched from a distance as she took in all the devastating horrors of the past.

When she sunk to the ground in shock and I witnessed tears starting to fall from her eyes I rushed to her side, sinking to the ground with her as I pulled her close to me. She cried and I held her, her tears soaking into my shirt. I held her without saying a word as she grieved for the loss of a life she should have had but never got the chance to. I felt her pain through our bond. It tore at my heart. Her pain was so consuming and so devastating that it broke me. I let the tears that had welled up in my eyes fall. I hated that she was feeling this, that she had to experience this. But I stayed by her side through it all.

When her tears had dried up and she had calmed down we stood up and made our way slowly over to where the others stood waiting for us. Benji stepped forward once we reached them and hugged Morgan. "I am so sorry." He said to her, rubbing her back. Morgan sunk into the comforting hug. They stayed like that with the other two surrounding them and providing words of grave comfort to Morgan. Minutes passed before they pulled away, and Morgan turned to face me. She held out her hand and I took it instantly. "I would like to see where they were buried." She said. I nodded my head and led them all through the small forestry and overgrown foliage that surrounded the fallen pack.

I pushed away the vegetation and undergrowth as we made our way to a large clearing that overlooked a small lake. There were tombstones surrounding the otherwise pristine area, surrounding a crystal-clear blue lake. "Stay here," I said to the others as I led Morgan up a grass-covered bank that oversaw everything. There were two tombstones situated on the top of the bank that looked out over the lake and the rest of the buried pack below. I knelt down next to the two tombstones and pushed away the vines that had started to grow over them. I took a step back and looked at Morgan.

She was focused on the two tombstones before us, silent tears streaming down her face. "Here lies Lucas Bane, a loyal friend, and fierce alpha. A loving husband and father. Rest in peace." Morgan read out loud before turning to look at the one next to Lucas. "Here lies Isabella, a soldier at heart, kind-spirited and faithful partner. A mother and Luna, the best there will ever be. Rest in peace." She choked out. She reached for my hand, I instantly grasped hers giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Do you want to say a few words?" I asked her. She nodded her head, let go of my hand, and knelt down in the middle of the tombstones. "I will always carry you in my heart and in my soul. You will forever be a part of me. Gone but never forgotten. I miss you so much." She choked out sobbing. "It is so unfair!" she shouted at no one, shaking her head at the heavens. I stood there in silence as she sobbed, tears streaming down my face. I felt so helpless. Her pain ran so deep within her that it was consuming. It broke my heart that I could not ease it or make it go away.

Mated For LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora