Epilogue Three Years Later

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Three years have passed since the battle of the blood valley and things seemed to have evolved into something better than either Casey or Morgan or the entire pack could have hoped for. Days after the battle, after the burial of the fallen wolves and the mourning of lost loved ones the remaining rogue wolves were hunted down and captured, sentenced by the Elders Clave to atone for their crimes in ways no one but the Elders knew.

The Clave is comprised of each high Elder from every clan, pack, coven, and high fae council. It is told that they have lived for centuries, and the myth behind their immortality grew wilder as each generation retold their stories, but still, it has remained a mystery to all. The training to become an elder is kept secret, known only to those who are chosen to take their place among the Clave.

After things had settled and a semblance of normal took over the allied packs traveled back to their own grounds, back to their territory with hopes that the next generations were living in peace. Some members from each pack had chosen to stay, joining Casey and Morgan's pack which grew twice its size seemingly overnight. New houses were constructed to accommodate the newly initiated pack members. Everything seemed to fall into place. Everyone thrived, rejoiced, and embraced a better tomorrow.

That year, nine months after the battle, Casey and Morgan welcomed their two children, twin boys each named after their fallen fathers. Less than two years later they welcomed into the peaceful world a beautiful baby girl, Alexandria. That same night a feast was held in celebration of the joyful union of Jackson and Adam Bane. The feast lasted three days, ending everything everyone had been through the last three years on a light, happy and prosperous note. A future to look forward to, new lives to be lived.

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