the tragic breakfast club

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"So, is everybody packed for Hogwarts?" Euphemia inquired, her voice carrying the gentle authority of a matriarch, as she gracefully sat down at the head of their grand oak dining table, polished to a shine that reflected the soft glow of the chandelier above.

Elizabeth was on the verge of saying no when her darling brother, with his usual enthusiasm, declared that everyone was packed. "Fucking hell, James," she thought, her frustration masked by a forced smile. "This is why you have no bloody girlfriend."

"Oh, great," Euphemia responded, clapping her hands lightly. "So, we shall play some games tonight, right Fleamont?" She glanced at her husband with an expectant look.

"Yes," Fleamont replied quickly, his voice tinged with a nervous edge, fully aware of the consequences of disagreeing with his wife.

"Mother, may I write a letter to my friends?" Elizabeth asked sweetly, her voice dripping with innocence as she clasped her hands tightly, a broad, almost exaggerated smile stretching across her face. She desperately needed to fix her unruly hair, pack her bag properly, and write a letter.

"Yes, go ahead," Euphemia waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. Elizabeth dropped her utensils with a clatter and darted from the table but quickly composed herself, walking gracefully as she ascended the grand staircase.

She made a sharp turn towards the west wing, where all the children's bedrooms were located, except for her parents' luxurious suite. As she hurried down the hallway, she collided with none other than Sirius Black. Tall, dark-haired, and undeniably handsome, Sirius was known as the womanizer of Hogwarts, drawing the ladies into a whirlwind of fleeting romance and leaving them heartbroken.

Her sister, Harper, had the biggest crush on him. Sirius was the only one who knew about Elizabeth and Remus and had thankfully chosen to turn a blind eye. She brushed past him, her heart pounding, as Sirius continued his swaggering descent towards the dining hall. It seemed all her friends had a crush on the charming and enigmatic Sirius Black.

Reaching her room, Elizabeth swiftly locked the door behind her. She crossed the spacious chamber to her ornate closet and pulled out a well-worn brown trunk, her initials "E.E.P." engraved on a brass plate at the bottom. Harper's trunk bore the initials "H.C.P."—Harper Carina Potter. James's was "J.F.P."—James Fleamont Potter.

Elizabeth retrieved a napkin containing her unfinished breakfast from her scarlet dress pocket, nibbling on it as she sorted her belongings. She despised the color red, but it seemed every Potter was destined to be a Gryffindor, even if she wasn't. She methodically gathered everything she needed: her toothbrush, a collection of hair ties, her favorite pair of casual shoes, a set of clothes for Hogsmeade weekends, and her neatly folded Hogwarts robes.

She then carefully packed her jewelry box and her wand—13 1/2 inches, willow with a dragon heartstring core. It was a fine wand, though her feelings for Remus were more complex; he was a dear friend but not someone she could ever see as a lover. His heart eyes for Sirius were a well-known secret, and he had recently been caught making out with Lucille Delacour at the Potter family ball.

With her packing complete, Elizabeth set her trunk aside and decided to write a letter to her close friend, Isabelle Rosier.

Isabelle Rosier 
15 Evermore Place 
New Yorkshire, England

Dearest Belle,

I am very nervous about attending Hogwarts because of the war. Please be careful and make sure your cute brother doesn't injure himself. Aunt Carina and Grandmother Doraea think of him as a future husband for me.

I hope you are well. How is Isabella? I hear she was caught snogging Jasper Avery. Also, are you betrothed to Casper Avery? I did not expect that.

I'll see you on the train tomorrow.

Elizabeth Euphemia Potter 
14 Folklore Place 
Sandsend, England

Elizabeth attached the letter to Hestia, her tawny owl, watching as the bird fluttered away through the open window. She then finished off the now slightly mushed Danish she had hidden in her dress pocket. Satisfied, she sprawled out on her bed in a starfish position, her long blond hair fanned out around her like a golden halo, daring anyone to come and snip it off.

As she drifted into a light sleep, her thoughts wandered to her secret crush—the little brother of her brother's best friend. His image filled her mind, a sweet distraction from the chaotic anticipation of returning to Hogwarts. The morning sun cast a warm, comforting glow across her room, and for a brief moment, all her worries faded away.


what do you mean? Not want everyone to read this story, seriously it makes my day when someone votes or comments. no one likes a silent reader. anyway, enjoy this update of VIGILANTE SHIT. Also if you haven't already noticed i <3 t swift.

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