quidditch match

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VIGILANTE SHIT CHAPTER FIVE 🕸️━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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The annual first quidditch game was soon to be happening, and Elizabeth managed to get the tips out of Harper. Although she was only playing as a substitute coach, she still enjoyed the sport very much.

She walked through the halls, as people put up banners and posters, trying to gain following to every one to cheer for the specific team.

Elizabeth reached the common room and walked down the stairs to the girls dorm. The room was surrounded in dark and rigid stone walls. Queen sized beds with viridescent bed spreads with soft pillows. 3 monochrome desks with the same chairs. Very orderly and clean.

She sat at the desk, sliding in the chair and pulling a piece of paper from her notepad. She pulled a quill out and dipped the fine tip in ink. She then put the quill to paper and she wrote down some personal stuff so that Regulus wouldn't question it.

Although she was still sad about Remus, she was happy she had somebody to talk to other than the Bella's. Which all they did was fangirl over Sirius.

Dearest Reggie, I have a tip for quidditc. Sirius will be distracted by Lucille Delacour who will be among the crowd, making a surprise appearance. She is to hand the award to Pomfey tomorrow.

Best of luck and love, Elizabeth E. Potter.

After she had written it she realized she forgot the h in quidditch, but it was ok. she had perfected her best hand writing for him. as she sealed the letter, Isabella walked in holding Theodore's hand.

She loves the way his name sounds in her mouth. Regulus Black. She shakes her mind out of the dream and puts on her stone cold exterior. She calls for her owl, Her owl Hestia flys over as she attaches the letter to her leg and tells her the address.

She hopes he will reply. she decides to take a nap and falls asleep and sleeps through dinner. She wakes on the Saturday, she finds Hestia had layers the letter on hers desk.

She got up and reached for the letter.

Dearest Elizabeth , thank you for the tip and and I hope to see you support Slytherin Team at the upcoming match. See you soon.

Sincerely, Regulus A. Black.

His letter is written a bit messy and in cursive but she manages to read it without her glasses. And he over inked through the page.

She finds her green and gold framed glasses and places them perched against her nose. She wants to write back but decides against it because of her nerves.

She stands up and decides to go speak to her therapist / professor. Professor Slughorn was the best, and he was quite kind and ready to help anyone who was part of his house.

She gets dressed and goes up the stairs to professor Slughorn office and knocks. The man opens on the fifth knock and invites her in. They talk about how she should maybe substitute some potions for astronomy.

Elizabeth left the potions masters classroom, and walked back to the common rooms. She decided to stop by the Gryffindor tower. She walked up the steps, and asked the portrait to bring Harper.

The portrait opened the door and she slid through, looking for Harper. Lily and Marlene emerged from there room and were shocked to see a Slytherin in there common room.

"Why are you here?" Marlene asked not recognizing the Potter Girl.

"Marlene, that's James's sister. Merlin, Elizabeth you gave us a scare." Lily said with a smile, while elbowing Marlene in the stomach.

"I'm looking for Harper. Is she here?" Elizabeth asked as she turned her head around the room. It was red and gold, with some nice warm brown colours. Not as gloomy as the Slytherin Common Room.

"She's in her dorm. At the top of the stairs, to the left, second door and make sure to knock. Carena
Brown is always up to some freaky shit in there." Marlene said as she tugged Lily towards the door.

"Bye, Elizabeth !" Lily said as she crawled through the portrait hole.

Elizabeth ollowed Marlene's directions and incited on the door when arriving. She heard soft steps as someone crawled open the door.

"Elizabeth ? What are you doing here?" Harper asked, but smiled as she beckoned Ellary into the room.

Elizabeth alked in as she sat on Harpers bed, feeling something papery under the comforter. She lifted her comforter and saw four witch weekly magazines.

"Harper! I thought you said you hated these. They include more harmful stereotypes that can hurt people!" Elizabeth said as she flipped through them.

" I saw Sirius with some, so it thought he might like me more if I brought some from Carina's closet." Harper said as she let some tears from her eyes come out.

Elizabeth hugged Harper as she lifted her up and invited her over to make some flower bouquets for the upcoming game.

"Wait, does this mean you like Sirius Black?" Elizabeth said loudly.

"Shut your mouth!!" Harper exclaimed while trying to place a hand over her sister's mouth.

hiii, so this is one of my personal chapters. i tend to do a lot of those, but it provides some fun and useful information for the story.elizabeth's and regulus's relationship is slowly building up, and soon it sprouts into this passionate, angsty relationship where there love is fuelled by revenge.

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