why cant we have it all

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Elizabeth lied on Regulus's bare chest, as he ran his fingers through her hair. They slept in the same bed even though it was against the rules. But Regulus was a prefects dorm, so nobody could get in unless it was unlocked. Which it wasn't.

Elizabeth turned on her side and sat up, holding a sheet to her body as she opened the drawer. She picked out a cigarette and lit it.

Seventh year was tough. Six weeks in and she felt like she was dying. Regulus and her were at a crossroads. Shall we make our families proud or ourselves proud?

Elizabeth still talked to Harper and Sirius every once in a while, but she lost communication with her brother. The person who taught her to prank and how to survive her first day of Hogwarts. Before completely ignoring her when the hat said Slytherin.

She remembered the awful day when she got on the train and made her way to Regulus's cabin. They pulled her into a cabin and beat the living shit out of her. Those boys were trouble. She remembered the names. Tommy, Cardinal, Jonas, Nickie, Peter, Louis, Mark. James was the head boy last year, these were his friends, and he kept them on tight leash. But now that he was gone, chaos erupted.

The nights of pain and exhaustion of remembering that night and being too afraid to walk around.

She was over it and now that the professors had a eye on him, it was good.

Regulus was angry at those boys and every time he saw them, he gave them death stares. The time was coming soon. Preparation exams for the year sevens. He wanted to ruin them. Professor Slughorn was presiding over the exams. Regulus had photos of what they did to Lizzie.

Regulus wanted to wait. He truly did. But Elizabeth. Elizabeth would want those boys.  to be gone. No longer a danger to Isabella or IsabelleNo longer causing Regulus pain because he was dating a 'blood traitor' like her.

Regulus sat down at the table and wondered about all the plans. He glanced at maps and secret tunnels. Before Elizabeth walked into the room, with Marauders Map. Remus had given it to her, he didn't really care about James because he was always a little rude and always ignoring his friends because of the red-headed love of his life, Lily Evans.

He pulled a another cigarette and gave it to Elizabeth, she lit it and started to kill her lungs.

"You know, your gonna die someday because of those." He said.

"Who cares? We are all going to die soon and nobody will care. It's not our fault a vicious tyrant named LV is coming to kill us. Everyday I ask myself, is today the day? is this the day i will die? am i ready?" She said

Regulus hugged Elizabeth as she continued to cry and while smoking.

Regulus saw this as a moment to take the cigarette and ash it out.

"I wish we could just go back to the way it was, a nice family that was excepting before I became a Slytherin." Elizabeth said.

"But then you would have never met me," Regulus said.

"I guess that's true." Elizabeth said. Regulus smiled and leaned in for another kiss, meeting her lips in a smile.

Soon, they were up and ready to go to class. Elizabeth waited for Regulus to use the washroom and grabbed the drawer and looked for her cigarettes.

She stood up after finding one and stuffed in her bag, she knocked in the door and told Regulus to hurry up.

Regulus followed her, noticing a certain smell from the corridors. He sniffed the air, and smelled rotten eggs.

Thomas, Peter and Cardinal walked along the halls while whispering at the prefect.

"HEY, perfect prefect! What's it to you?" Cardinal yelled, while he gave his cigarette to Peter. Peter held it as he stood back.

Regulus didn't reply and continued to walk. Cardinal walked behind him and pulled his sit jacket up, he dropped his book as Thomas walked up and nailed him in the stomach.

Elizabeth grabbed the books, while Cardinal signalled to Peter with the cigarette. Peter eyes widened and saw it was a perfect moment to be seen as the hero in James eyes.

He threw the cigarette on the ground and the lighter. It hit the ground and Cardinal's eyes widened and dropped Regulus as the fire slowly headed towards him.

Thomas and Peter ran after Cardinal. Elizabeth shook Regulus and picked him up. She helped him towards the dungeons and placed him the bed. Elizabeth headed back to her room where everyone was looking at her.

"What the fuck are you looking at." Elizabeth yelled.

Elizabeth sat at her desk, writing to James. He moved into a place with Lily in Sandsend.

James Potter

17 Midnight Place
Sandsend, England.

Dear James,

Hogwarts has became chaotic, what has happened since you left. Your friends have been harassing Regulus and I. Please do something. I'm begging you. Tell Lily I said hi.

Elizabeth Potter.
Hogwarts Castle
Scottish Highlands, United Kingdom.

She sent the letter and crawled next to Regulus in bed.

so peter, isn't marauders peter. this one is another one. marauders peter is good in this story. kind of.

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