the excitement

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Graduation day was here. The most anticipated day of the Hogwarts students entire education. It was here. Families crowded into the Hogwarts Express and it was T-minus 6 hours until the ceremony.


"As the staff and I look out at all of your faces, remembering those little children that stepped foot from the boats into this wonderous place, I feel pride," Dumbledore stood in front of the graduating class. He started to tear up.

"I have had the absolute pleasure of watching each and everyone of you grow up and become the witch or wizard you are today. We have lost and received more. You learned and I do hope you had a little fun along the way. I wish for you to change the world even if all you do is support the magical community and never turn your back on magic."

So, as I send you on your way to the next great tomorrow, I wish you the best of luck. I cannot wait to see how you will change the world for the better."Dumbledore gave a genuine smile.

Elizabeth had mixed feelings about this man. He was like the grandfather of Hogwarts. He knew when to be strict but could also joke when needed. He was genuine. But he was evil. His order of the phoenix were still searching for the person who killed Voldemort. They felt they needed revenge, as they had built up this propaganda that they were going to be the people to kill Voldemort.

The girls around her, however, were not holding back. There were streams of tears to gasping sobs. She definitely wouldn't miss that. Elizabeth's eyes scanned across the people she knew for seven wild years. It was crazy. She knew everybody. Did that make her popular?

Popularity never seemed to be a big deal at Hogwarts. At Hogwarts everyone was just who they were. There were some 'weird' kids who didn't quite fit in, but they always seemed fine with there outcome.

Elizabeth had never realized how much of a social person she really was. She always thought she was more introverted with a reckless track of partying.She wasn't. Elizabeth liked to talk to people. Except for some of her distant family.

They were distant for a reason. She continued to scan her eyes for the man she was betrothed to, but couldn't spot him.

Elizabeth needed people. More than she would have liked. She used to think she was a independent young girl. Most importantly, she needed her family back.

She looked at her class once again, a sad smile taking her face. Some of these people she would never see again.

Some of these people were going to settle down in a few years. Some were going to start a family.

It was all very daunting for a girl who only vaguely knew what she wanted to do for the rest of her life.

Each seventh year got up one by one to collect their certificate, confirming the 7 years of education. Lee smiled as Professor Slughorn handed her the parchment.

"I'll miss you and your attitude, I hope you know that," Professor Slughorn said. He always was a more emotionally strict professor.

"I'll miss my therapist and the person who gave me better grades." Elizabeth said as she adjusted her glasses and walked away.

Elizabeth sat back down and waited for Regulus to walk up. She watched him nervously clench his fists as he walked forwards. If he didn't get this certificate, he wouldn't be able to work at the ministry. Slughorn passed the certificate to him and he happily accepted his certificate with no sadness on his face. He walked off the stage and towards his seat.

He had the most proudest face on the planet. He sat down in his section and watched as others received there certificates.



i did take this little chapter from my other book, but i didn't know how to write a different.

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