that first day back

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Regulus breathed a long sigh as he and his mother walked towards Platform 9 3/4.

"Are you alright?"she asked.
Almost his entire family was there. Even Bellatrix.
"Where's that girl you like," she asked.
He looked around the platform and saw Elizabeth standing near Isabelle. Next to her was her cousin, Isabella. Isabella had been scolded by her mum and was already getting ready to get in the train. Harper was standing with Elizabeth and Lily and Marlene gave her a hug, before ushering her into the train.

Regulus saw a diamond on Lily's finger. The diamond was the size of her hand.

Elizabeth winked at him and carried her briefcase on to the train.

Regulus slowly walked behind her and boarded the train. He sat a compartment where his parents would not see him.

After about 30 minutes, Elizabeth came inside his compartment and sat on the opposite bench of Regulus.

She looked so tired, her sweater and trousers were wrinkled and the golden buckle on her loafer had fallen off.

"What happened to you?" He asked.

"A bunch of boys ran through the carriages throwing rocks that exploded." She said, stuttering.

"Wait I forgot to tell you something! James proposed to Lily. And we are kind of invited."

"Apparently he

Elizabeth just sat there, staring at the ground. She wanted nothing more than a kind, loving and accepting family to introduce Regulus to. Although she had half of it. Her father and brother were not completely sold on it. Sirius was ok, Harper was ok, Mum was ok, Grandma Doraea was fine with it, EVEN GODAMN AUNT CARINA.

Regulus switched the way he was sitting to lying down on the bench. His briefcase laid on the floor. As did Elizabeth's bag.

"Soooo wanna kiss or not?" He asked.

He sat up as Elizabeth walked over and straddled him. He leaned the same time as she did.

She kissed him like she wanted to be kissed, like no boy had ever kissed her, soft and moist and hot and breathy, not trying to win a battle but seeking union and closeness and the sharing of one breath, one sensation, one timeless and passionate moment.

The heat rose in her cheeks as her tongue touched the Regulus's tongue, quick and electric and delicious, then firmer, more determined, more curious about the heat that lied within, looking to chase down that lightning that reached through both of them. Her hands weaved in his tousled hair, and his hands wanting so badly to rip of her clothes, but at this moment, it could not happen.

The train stopped and the couple fixed themselves up and got off the train. They walked to the carriages and sat in one, with Evan, Barty, Isabella, and Isabelle.

When they got into their dorms, they immediately continued what could not be finished.

He nearly missed, his lips a tad too far left and his nose bumping against hers, but he persisted. His eyes were closed, like Sirius had told him, but he could hear the crinkling of her smile as she maneuvered her mouth into position, tilting her head so that their lips could meet firmly and happily at last.

She was breathing right into his nose each time she exhaled, tickling his nostril hairs and making him giggle, which started her giggling too. As he pulled back sheepishly she nibbled on the tip of his nose, then kissed it, and his eyes opened to see hers shining bright.

But he eventually got it right.

She put her hand on the back of Regulus's neck and pulled him down towards her for a kiss. It was not sweet, but needy. It feels like they were making up for the five years they spent apart. Regulus's hands roamed her body, eventually they stopped, resting their foreheads against each other.

" I love you," Regulus says.

"I love you more," she says with a smile.

Electricity shoots down Elizabeth's spine as Regulus starts to unbutton her blouse. She lets the blouse slip off of her arms and lay on her hips. She wraps her arms around Regulus and tangle her fingers in his hair.

Regulus trails kisses down her neck before lighting nipping her breast through the lacy bra.

She reached her hands out to pull  Regulus's shirt off. He smiles as he undos his tie and unbuttoned his shirt.

Regulus returns to her neck, leaving heavy marks on her neck. He stands up off the couch, lifting her up and guiding her to the bed. They attach their lips before becoming one.

omg steamy ...

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