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It’s hopeless, is it not?

They say there’s light at the end of the darkest tunnel, but is there always?

Who is so certain that there is always a happy ending?

A kind farewell?

A smile?

Sand trickles in each of our hour glasses, never stopping, never slowing.

Every thought gets lost in the torment of emotion and feeling and the tossing and turning and the pain and joy and grief and celebration and - oh.

There’s beauty in that.

Standing in the eye of the storm, and not just watching…

But listening.

There may not be light at the end of every tunnel.

There may not even be light at the end of any tunnel.

Who can be certain?

But we can be certain about this:

There’s light within the tunnel, if one just knows how to find it.

black, pitch black, pitch dark, inky, jet black, unlit, unlighted, unilluminated, ill-lit, poorly lit, starless, moonless, dim, dingy, gloomy, dusky, indistinct, shadowy, shady, leaden, overcast, sunless, crepuscular, tenebrous, Stygian, LIGHT, Cimmerian, Tartarean, caliginous, tragic, disastrous, calamitous, catastrophic, cataclysmic, ruinous, devastating, dire, ghastly, awful, unfortunate, dreadful, horrible, terrible, horrific, hideous, horrendous, frightful, atrocious

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