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Give me forever, love
Tip it in the palm of my hand
Whispy tendrils of time
Iridescent not-water
Concentrated atmosphere
Give me forever, love
I'll never be ready

Never ready to break my wrists
From lashing out against the chains
Never ready to open my eyes
Against the blinding song of day
Never ready to pound the floor
Opposing the earth with magnetic heels

Give me forever, love
Give me patience and breath
Give me the biggest infinity you've got
Give me every spin of the axis
Give me every change in season
Give me every roll of the dice
Give me forever

My palms bleeding and calloused
Grasping rusted spears and spines
Let me have it all
Rising below the surface
Breaking through the crust
Ascending deep into the rotting core
My basket full of spoiled fruit

Lungs filled with stale air
A shuddering breath of high and might
That never once was released
Bursting and showering the raging fire
In not-water as thick as oil
And oh, oh it burns...

It burns with light ever so shining
Glittering like the ghosts of gold
The jewels that never decorated my skin
The crown that never lie in rest
Atop my shattered, beaten skull

Give me forever, love
I'll never be ready.

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