Poem: Color

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Red summer birds,
Red petaled roses

Red nail polish,
Red berry wine

Flood your heart with warmth,
Holding tight to that comfort

Inhale with the scent of love,
And exhale with the fire of anger

Trail the crackling embers,
Soaring high up into the night

Lie beside me, now,
And be red.


Orange breakfast,
Orange caramel

Orange con-ver-sa-tions

Hear the crackle in your voice,
So early in the morning

Picture your future,
And make all of it come true

Share your deepest thoughts,
And listen to all of theirs

Lay beside me, now
And be orange.


Yellow sunshine,
Yellow laughter

Yellow souls,
Yellow flower

Breathe in the smell of rain,
And let your eyelashes turn gold

Watch the lightning strike,
Lighting the world in a blaze

Hear the crickets sing,
And whistle to their orchestra

Lie beside me, now,
And be yellow.

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