Luc finds out that I lied to him

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Alexa's Pov

So today's a new day and I thought everything was going well like it does every day but Instead someone found out my secret because I was acting weird. It was Luc, He found out because I told him. I couldn't take it anymore and I didn't care if I got sent to a mental hospital and put in a straight jacket. 

So ok you don't know everything that happened so let's rewind a bit.

I just woke up and it was a weekend so I didn't have school to go to. 

My friend wanted to see me today so I got ready to go see her.

Luc was fixing my sink because it ended up breaking and he really can't get any cuter.

I was about to leave and he says something about the day I got hit by a car and I just tell him that I'm gonna go.

He then says " Okay, all right here's the thing, I don't even mind your crazy excuses about where you have to go all the time but what I do mind is that you keep a part of your life hidden from me"

"Look I know but I just can't tell you" I say back

"Why not?"

"Um because,  uh I gotta go"

I rush out of the house and to Tru's apartment and she's again so happy to see me.

I told her what Luc said this morning and she said that he'll get over it.

I said I guess your right. We hang out for a bit before I head home.


Later I head home and right as I walk through the door I see Luc.

He doesn't look happy and I bet he isn't. I know what I did was stupid, how every time he asks about what happened I make up some lame excuse and walk out.

He says "I know something's up" 

"Luc, You don't understand!" I say back trying not to cry

"No I think I do see this is the part where I ask you about what happened and you don't tell me anything and you say um because uh I gotta go and then you take off without any explanation , and I just have to deal with it"

 "No I just"

"Here I am thinking your the most amazing girl I've gotten to know in a long time and truth is I don't really know you at all"

"Luc! I want to tell you but I thought that if I told you then I'd be put into a mental hospital and put in a straight jacket"

"Then tell me"

"Fine! But if i tell you then you'll walk out and you'll break up with me for a second time because you'll think I'm crazy. I..."

"You What, Alexa"

"That day I got hit by a car was the day I died"


"You didn't let me finish, I died but was brought back to life by my best friend because has this amazing gift"

"What?, I mean I'm so glad your alive right now but I'm also so confused and slightly concerned"

"Like I said my friend has a special gift where she can bring people back to life and so she saved me and you don't have to be concerned, I'm not hurt or anything"

Luc looks at me like he's mad.

Luc looks at me like he's mad

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he gets upset and storms out.

"Luc!" I yell

I end up falling down to the ground crying. 

I grab my phone and I call Tru to see if she can come over.

She says yes and comes over. She sees me on the ground crying so she asks me "What's wrong?"

"I think me and Luc broke up again" I say back with tears still streaming down my face


"Because I told him the truth about the whole me getting hit by a car thing, I told him that I died but you brought me back to life. I told him that you have this gift and whatever and he got angry and stormed off"

"Oh I'm so sorry"

"It's ok I'm just gonna go lay down for a bit"

"How about we hang out"

"I don't feel like it"

"Harrison and Lindsay will be there"

"As much as I like hanging out with your brother and your friend I don't feel like it, I just got my heart broken for the second time and this time I'm extra hurt so just leave me alone cause right now I'm gonna push everyone away cause that's how I want it"

"Ok I'll leave but if you need anything, call me"

"Ok thanks"

"Yeah see ya later"

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