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Character Aesthetics

Sofia Isabella Zanetti - Age 21

Sofia Isabella Zanetti - Age 21

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Lorenzo Russo - Age 25

Sebastiano Zanetti - Age 21

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Sebastiano Zanetti - Age 21

Sebastiano Zanetti - Age 21

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Santino Zanetti - Age 26

Gabriella Zanetti - Age 23

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Gabriella Zanetti - Age 23

Gabriella Zanetti - Age 23

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Carina Bianchi - Age 22

Carina Bianchi - Age 22

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Giorgia Romano - Age 23

Giorgia Romano - Age 23

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Short authors note:

Hi everyone, argh so this is my new book...I've been writing this book for a while now and It's been sitting in my notes and wattpad drafts for too long so I thought why not begin to publish it.

This book is mafia based and a dark romance with a handful of tropes which I love like arranged marriage and enemies to lovers (which try to kill the other multiple times ;) )

My love for mafia related things is actually crazy...totally don't watch hours of mafia documentaries in my free time LOL...

Anywaysss I'm not the best writer, and funny enough I hated English the most in high school and here I am writing a book

I will be try to update regularly, as most chapters are done and I am just editing each one as I go along...hehe

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