Chapter one.

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Journey POV.
I smile as I see Satsuki as Daiki and I got there. I said"play nice." He just laugh and kissed my forehead then ran off. Satsuki smile and said" how you been." I nod as she gushes for the cute light blue hair boy. I look over my brothers team mates they look great together. I have a good feelings. Maybe they will end up on the basketball team in a couple weeks.

Seijuro POV.
its a pretty day I was playing basketball on the street. When I saw these two girls. Pink hair and the other took my breathe away red hair and blue eyes very short. She is watching some one from my team. I followed her eyes to see a boy with a tan and blue hair. He yell out and said"this one for you Journey." He made it and she smiles and said some thing to the pink hair girl. Then she left I told them time out and followed her to see her buying drinks. I smile and said" need a hand." She blush and nod. I said" who are these for." The boy came running and said" thanks Journey come on guys My sister bought us all drinks." The boy said" I'm Daiki Aomine and this is my little sister Journey Aomine." I smile and walk up to her and grab her small hand and kissed it. She blush twice as red as her hair. I block the guys names then we went back in the game. Then it was over before any one knew. I saw Journey walking away with Aomine and the pink hair girl. I ran up and said" Excuse me can I have your number and address." Journey blush and the pink hair girl said "I'm sorry but I'm not into redheads." I said" I'm sorry I wasn't asking you. Journey I would like to know you." Journey smile and told me as Aomine said" could we talk over there." he didn't let me say any thing until we get away from them. He said" I don't care if we don't go to the same school or not if you hurt my sister or keep her away from her studys we will have a problem. And if you want to be with her you better hope and pray my mama and I approve of you." I smile and said" don't worry Aomine I wanna be around Journey until I leave this world. I promise to you that I will help her with her studys and if I hurt her you may kill me because that is the last thing I would want to be." he look like he believed me which I meant what I said. He gave me the information and left with the Girl of my dreams. I will have her. She will be mine.

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