Chapter 9.

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Journey POV.
I get dress and went to school. Seijuro had business to atten to. I was with Satsuki and two other girls. We was carrying gym towels back to the gym for the guys. They was gigging about my brother. But then my load that I was carrying almost fall if Seijuro wasn't there. I blush as he said" careful Love. " I also see Shintaro he said" Journey could you put them up by your self sence nobody is aloud in our locker room but you and satsuki." I nod then Seijuro said" good here is our key love. Please do be careful." I nod and he kiss my forehead then walk away. One of the girls said" man its too bad he only has eyes for you." I look at her and said" can you really tell." Satsuki said" Journey don't believe that Seijuro is in love with her." The second girl said" of course he only talks about you or looking at or for you in a group. He don't let any other boys talk bad about you. he has it bad for you." I blush as we get to the gym and they all was there. Daiki wave as I nod I went in the locker room to see Shōgo Haizaki in there. I blush but went back to my job. He said" is it true." I look up and said"iss what true." he said" are you and the Capitan together." I nod. He step close and said" I don't believe it where is he then. If I was your boyfriend I wouldn't let you out of my sight." I see Seijuro he said" oh really who saw I don't have eyes on Journey every second of every day. " Shōgo laugh and said" you really don't know how to take care of her do you let me show you how to keep your girl." He was on me in a second I yelp out to Seijuro who took a pair of scissors and pinned Shōgo to the wall. Seijuro walk up to him and said"now let me get one thing straight Journey is mine don't you dare touch her. I have my eyes on you now. Leave." He did. Seijuro walk over to me. He pulled me in a hug and said" are you okay Love. How is our Baby." I blush as tears ran down my eyes. I said"I think we're okay. How did you know what was going on." He smile and said" Tetsuya was in here going to see if you needed help when he saw him getting to close for comfort." I nod then its time for the first class of the day. I was going to Finish my job later. I sit down and as I was writing the work. I hear laughing then the teacher said"what is so funny." Lynn's friend said"I still think Aomine is pregnant she is getting more fatter than Friday." Mrs William said"I will speak with Aomine after class." I look down knowing I'm gonna have to tell her. So as the time went it was time every one left. Mrs William said" don't worry I'll protect your secret. Journey. It wasn't your doing." I smile and we chat for a bit then I just make it to my next class. Then skip to last one. 10 minutes left of class Mrs Lambert said"Journey you may go ahead." I nod and then went to the locker room to Finish and as I was I hear the guys walk in Daiki said" so you almost done so we can change." Seijuro said"or you can watch. You know you do love." I blush as I put up the last of the towels. I said" sorry good luck in practice." I made it out. Satsuki smirk and said" how was it." I shake my head. She laugh as we watch practice.

Seijuro POV.
I was walking up to Journeys room which is mine room its just a matter of time when we share it. But I open the door to see Journey doing homework. I smile and said" tomorrow I have a date plan for us. So keep time free plus its a Holiday tomorrow we don't have school. Or practice. So its going to be our day together." Journey blush and nod. I smrik as I dream what could happened tomorrow.

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