The End of the Road

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Elsa's P.O.V
I sat in the cold dungeon... Back in chains, i suppose this is where i belonged. It's always where i belonged. Footsteps descended the stone stairs and i saw Kirah and Roland.

Within seconds i'm begging for mercy. Scared, worried, all i wanted now was Anna... Where was she?

"Please." i whimpered as my once prisoners now played the roll i did; ignoring my pleas for mercy they opened my cell door and stepped towards me. An eerie calmness surrounded them only making me more uneasy.

"Why?" Kirah asked quietly. "Why do all this? Capture innocent kids for revenge?"

This was not what i was expecting at all. The penalty of kidnapping not only a prince but a princess as well must be death i'm sure.... So why am i not dead yet? The young royals looked at me waiting. I glanced from Roland to Kirah. The way he looked at her, God i remebered when Hans looked at me with the same love and desire. I missed him terribly.

"Love." i answered. "Roland, please, do tell me, would you not kill for Kirah... If someone killed her would you ki-"

"You nearly did kill her!" Roland snapped, the anger rose in his voice. "You nearly killed us both! You want to know my answer? Yes, i would slaughter a million men for her.... But not innocent people... If they posed a threat, if they hurt her, i would kill them mercilessly..." I watched his chest rise and fall as he huffed a breath at me, locked up anger that had been held against me for years of torture finally released. I knew this was only the beginning. He stepped forward and pulled a small knife from his belt.

"You are the threat Elsa... You tortured me for years and nearly killed my best friend.... And frankly the love of my life." his voice was a whisper, calm now which made it all the more terrifying. "She has no heart now, because of you. The only way to keep her alove was to remove her heart." a hiss crept into the dark haired boy's voice as he moved closer to me his eyes level with mine. He crouched down and put the knife to my throat.

Kirah watched her arms crossed over her chest, would she let him kill me? I didn't know where my life stood now. In her hands or his, either way i knew there was no good fate for me.

"Though..." Kirah spoke up. "We are not villians, Roland... We do not kill, we bring justice." she reminded him stepping forward placing a hand on his shoulder.

I looked into Roland's eyes, pleading for mercy silently. His expression softened and he turned looking up at the princess.

"Right."he breathed standing up and backing away. "You'll live the rest of your days here... In this cell, no negotiations." a dead serious tone to his voice deemed my fate fit for my crime.

Here is where I... Elsa of Arendelle would spend the rest of my days where i belonged, in a cell.

Monsters don't deserve happy endings.

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