Sweet Child O' Mine

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Kirah's P.O.V

 "Where are we going!?" I hissed in a hushed tone as we snaked our way through the castle.

"To go see my husband." She smiled at me lightly.

"Uh, husband? Why?" 

She stayed silent but kept walking. I groaned quietly and followed.

Anna stopped in front of a window. 

"Why are we at a window?" I asked her she smiled devilishly at me and pulled a wooden plank held by two strings from the window.

"I used to sneak out of the castle with this all the time. Come on trust me."

I scoffed and looked at her like she was crazy, quite frankly she was. She stepped on the swing and thrust the end of the rope at me.

"Lower me and then pull it up for yourself." She instructed, reluctantly I tugged on the rope then slowly began lowering Anna. When she hit the bottom she pulled the left rope holding the wood plank to signal for me to pull it back up. I repeated this process and lowered myself next to Anna.

She began running down an asphalt covered trail, smiling like a small child. I rolled my eyes and followed trying to keep up with the Princess in heels.

We reached a fork in the path but Anna didn't hesitate to choose the left path. I stayed close enough not to lose her but far enough not to get hit by her flailing arms and she hummed and skipped her way down the path.

"Here we are." She said somewhat out of breath, placing her hand on her knees, crouching slightly to catch her breath. I looked around.

"Rocks... All I see is rocks." I muttered.

"KRISTOFF!" Anna yelled.

I flinched. "Ouch my ear."

"Sorry." She smiled sheepishly.

"Wait Kristoff? The one who took my memories?" She nodded.

Kristoff walked out from between two trees followed by three men I recognized immediately as my father, my step-father and my brother.

"DADDY!" I shouted running as fast as I could clearing the boulders like hurtles. I flung myself in to Hook's arms, tears falling down my cheeks, I sobbed hysterically.

"I love you, I love you, I love you." I cried. I could feel he was tensed up with surprise, probably thinking I was running towards Neal. He relaxed slowly then held me tighter, his body shaking lightly as he began to cry.

"My princess, my beautiful princess." He whispered into my hair, kissing the top of my head.

I could feel everyone's eyes on us. I didn't care, I knew the truth now. I knew my father hadn't abandoned me, he didn't want to leave me, and he wanted me more than anything.

For as long as I could remember I had hated my father, living a lie, never knowing who my father was, never knowing why I didn't know him. It wasn't his fault; it was Elsa's.

She broke my family. She took my best friend from me.

"ROLAND!" I exclaimed remembering why we had come here.

"Kristoff I need my memories back, I need them to save Roland."

"You met Roland?" All three men exclaimed. Kristoff was the only one who didn't look surprised.

"He's still alive?" Hook asked me, I nodded and found myself fighting back the urge to cry.

An unfamiliar voice spoke up. "And so the princess on her 16th birthday, has found her prince of thief’s descent."

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