The Enchanted Forest

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Flashback 14 years ago

"Robin, Regina! You made it how wonderful," Kirah couldn't make out the faces, disembodied voices floated around her. "And you brought little Roland, too. Kirah is over there dear." The voice became strangely familiar, it was her mother. 

Roland! Kirah's mind was a million different places. 

A woman's laughter erupted somewhere on Kirah's left, followed by inaudible conversations.

"Hi Kiki." Roland smiled a toothy grin. A young Kirah waved smiling back. 

So Kirah had known Roland; when she was little. Kirah watched as the younger version of herself chased a younger Roland around rose bushes. Young Kirah dove between a man's legs, giggling and screeching with delight. 

"DADDY!!!" Young Kirah looked up at the man for protection. He bent down to get at her level. 

Hook smiled sweetly at the girl. "Is this lad bothering you?" He joked, Little Kirah nodded pouting playfully. Hook stood up placing his hands on his hips. 

"I'll protect you my princess!" He exclaimed "No man bothers my daughter!" He bared his hook at Roland who giggled and screeched, running to hide behind a beautiful woman clad in a queen's gown, black as a raven's feather. Kirah suspected that must be The Queen Regina.

"Kirah come here, Kiddo." Kirah saw her mother in a gown the shade of the mid-day summer sky. Young Kirah ran to her mother happily. 

Kirah tried to scream but no one heard her, as she yelled for her mother who would never acknowledge her, the sky darkened. The temperature dropped, she knew what was happening. This was the day Roland was taken. 

Young Kirah screamed grabbing little Roland's hand. Elsa stormed up to Regina. 

"This is your fault!" She shouted. Regina shook her head vigorously, unsure of what the ice queen was accusing her of. 

Kirah began to lose the voices, everything became inaudible, she watched as Roland was ripped from young Kirah's grasp, she ran after him her screams and cries silent. Elsa turned back striking little Kirah with ice from her palm. Emma and Hook rushed to her side as Regina's body sagged in Robin's arms sobbing the two of them held each other like their lives depended on it, Kirah was sure at the time they did.

Emma yelled something to Robin who nodded and sat Regina down by the fountain and ran off. Regina continued crying into her gown. 

Kirah saw her father kiss her mother and run after Robin. Emma rocked the small princess in her arms. Kirah could see she was struggling to hold back tears. 

After what seemed like forever, the men were back followed by another man, his hair was like Roland's but blonde. The voices returned slowly.

"...have to get her to a man I know. He'll help." The blonde man was telling Kirah's mother. She nodded slowly handing young Kirah's limp body to Hook, who kissed her forehead and enveloped her in a strong embrace. 

"Will she be okay?" Emma asked the man. 

"I'm sure she will. We will have to erase her memories of today, she won't remember Roland. She won't remember anything of this land. She'll be safer in the disenchanted world."  He shook his head. "I'm sorry, Emma. Take Henry and Kirah, no one else," 

"What about me! I'm her father." Hook protested. 

The man shook his head. "No, you have too much connection to this world, she'll figure it out, and we can't let that happen." 

"Kristoff, she needs her father." Emma interjected. 

The man, Kristoff continued shaking his head. "I'm sorry, take Baelfire, Neal, whatever his name is, create a normal life for her, yes it's a lie but it's to keep her safe from Elsa. Now come on, we have to go, she doesn't have long."

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