Prince Roland

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I woke up in a brick room, similar to a prison cell back in New York. I smelled the air, freshly fallen snow. 

I sat up, the blood rushing down my body causing a wave of nausea and black spots at the edges of my vision.

Something stirred in the concrete bed hanging off the wall across the cell. The person moaned.

"Who's there?" 

I gasped. I wasn't alone. 

"My name is Kirah. Kirah Swan." I didn't bother saying Kirah Jones. I didn't want to be associated with that nasty pirate of a father I had. 

He sat up and faced me. Dark curls fell around his face distorting his eyes from my view, they looked dark. He brushed the ringlets away effortlessly. 

"Swan? As in Emma Swan?" He asked. How the hell did he know my mother? 

"Yes." I nodded. I looked up at him his dark eyes looked black, but when he turned his head the light hit his eyes and it turns out they weren't black but a dark brown, the color of damp wood. 

"I'm Roland." He smiled lightly. 

"How long have you been here?" I question. He laughed a sharp acerbic laugh.

"I can't remember, since I was about 4, so like, 14 years." a pang of sadness shot through me. 

"Where are your parents?" I continue on, he looks out the barred window.

"In a castle. The Queen's castle to be exact. My parents are Robin Hood and Maid Marian, My mother died giving birth to me. I have my step mother the Queen Regina." He smiled lightly as if he were remembering their faces.

Aren't they looking for you? The unspoken question hung in the air. 

After what seemed like a never ending silence Roland asked, "What about you?"

"What about me?" I cock my head to the side. 

"Where are your parents?" 

"Oh, my mom's in New York with my step-father. My real dad is Captain Hook." I laughed lightly. 

Heels clicked on concrete, I suspected it was Elsa. 

Roland placed a finger on his lips ordering silence. I heard two voices in the hall. Both female. 

"Elsa, you need to let them go. They didn't do anything to you. It wasn't their fault Hans was killed. They are just kids." An unfamiliar voice says. 

"They still deserve to suffer. Anna!" Elsa snapped. The cell door was thrown open with a flick of Elsa's wrist. 

"GET UP!" She yelled at Roland. He jumped down from the bed and was struck across the face ice spreading up the side of his cheek to his temple and through his hair. Freezing his curls.

"ROLAND!" I screamed

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