Not So Sweet 16

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  • Dedicated to To my beautiful fans who keep me writing <3

"Happy Birthday Kiddo!" Henry and Neal stood over me on one side of my bed with my mom on the other side holding a muffin with the number 16 lit up on top the flames flickering at my mom's breath like a small child flinching from being hit. I smiled

"Thanks Henry." I laughed sitting up my sleeping with sirens tank top scrunched up to the top of my stomach, I pulled it down and gratefully took the muffin.

"Make a wish baby doll." Neal smiled down at me, running his hand down my hair.

I closed my eyes and took a breath, with an exaggerated exhale I blew out my candles.

"What did you wish for?" My mom laughed sitting down next to me. "I can't tell you or else it won't come true!" I shook my head smiling. "Okay, out, out, I have to get dressed."

I walked out of my room to run into my mom. "Oh, hi." I said stumbling backwards. "Were you uh standing there the whole time?" I quirked an eyebrow.

"Here." She handed me her car keys ignoring my question.

"What are these for?" I ask taking the keys.

"I think it's time you go find your dad." She answered quietly Neal came up behind her.

"I only have my permit though."

"Henry will go with you. He's going to be a big help and you'll need him." Neal said taking my face in his hands and kissing my forehead.

"Sit." Mom said pointing to an old chair by the coffee table. Obediently I walked to the seat and plopped myself into it, the keys jingling from my pocket.

A loud sigh fell from my mother's mouth. "43° 30′ N, 70° 21′ W."

"What?" I said perplexed.

"Those are the coordinates to your father's location. Or at least it's the location where you will be able to access where he is." She clarified. I stood and walked to Henry.

"Alright. What's his name?" I asked turning to face Neal and my mom.

"Killian Jones." She laughed.

"Stop it, don't screw with me what is his name?" I placed my hands on my hips and glared at her. "That's Captain Hook's real name, and of course that's not my dad."

"I told you she wouldn't believe me." my mother said to no one in particular.

"Captain Hook? CAPTAIN HOOK?! Are you insane mum! You tell me I can finally go find my father and then you start to mess with me and say he is a fairy tale character from the stories you used to read to me when I was little?!" I shouted regretting it instantly, the look on all of their faces told me that they weren't joking.

"Please tell me you're joking." I whispered.

"I wish I could, Kirah."

A/N So sorry for the short chapters.. I suck at writing i' sorry but thank you to those who read my story and like it. I love you all <3 updates are kinda whenever I can find time so yeah. On another note those coordinates are the actual location of Storybrooke from a map that Hook was holding, you can faintly see Storybrooke's loaction and coordinates so yeah I really do put my full effort into my work. <3 au revoir darlings { <3 thank you to fans who are waiting patiently}

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