(I Can't Help) Falling in Love With You

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Kirah's P.O.V. 

There was a rustling in the trees from behind us, I turned around.

"I'll go check out who it is." I remark, grabbing my father's sword without question.

"Kirah, you don't who, or what, is out there. It could be Elsa." Hook whisper-shouts. I ignore his dire warnings and keep walking, the rustling continues followed by a deep groan that could only be male.

Roland totters out of the shrubs and falls to his knees at my feet, a small puddle of blood forming.

"Roland," I gasp dropping next to him embracing him in a hug. "I thought you were dead." He shakes his head, grabbing my chin, her tilts my head up and and kisses me.

Soft at first, comforting, like he's testing to see if I'm real, once he is convinced it's really me he clutched me by my waist deepening the kiss. 

Everything bad slipped away into sweet silent blissfulness-

"Ah!" A rush of cold runs up and down my spine, I gasp in pain groping for Roland's tattered shirt to keep me steady. He is broken, I can see it; his eyes filled with fear, dread, self-hatred but behind it was love. He held me close as ice covered my slowly slumping body.

Roland's chest shook as he held me, i turned my head slowly, Elsa was barely visible through my darkening vision.

"Kirah!" I faintly hear both my fathers yell, their footsteps approaching at a rapid pace if only a concerned parent. 

"Come any closer, I'll kill her and the boy." Elsa shouts her hands poised like weapons; one pointed towards Roland and me, the other at my dads.

"You lay a hand on my baby and I'll shoot you." 


Sure enough my mom's there, gun to Elsa's heart through her back. Three people follow close behind her; a boy about my age or a little younger, and a man and woman, probably his parents.

I stare up at Roland who is stroking my frost blanketed hair, whispering softly that I'm going to be alright.

"You're so brave." I mumble cradling his cheek in my cold, blue palm. He nods, answering a question that was only implied; 'Are you going to be okay?' 

"Always." He kisses my forehead. 


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter I'm kinda busy at the moment with acting and stuff for school so I haven't been able to update but I will do a longer chapter ASAP
Love you,

J. Aliya Jackson <3

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