A Locked Heart, An Open Door

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Kirah's P.O.V.

You know that point in crying when it's a violent but silent sob, when you've been crying for so long you've cried your last whimper, you're last sob has escaped from your mouth?

I didn't understand why I was crying, I had just met Roland but some part of me broke when Elsa had dragged him out of the room. It was like I had known him forever and I just watched my childhood friend be carried off to his inevitable torture.

Anna fell to her knees next to me. "Kirah, I'm so sorry." She placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Get away from me!" I shouted, tears falling down my face. "Get away!" I was losing my voice.

"You don't deserve this, you don't deserve the punishment that your father rightfully deserves." She said calmly. She sat back against a wall running a hand through her long red hair, strands wear falling out of their neatly arranged braids, carelessly. She twirled a white strand between her fingers. 

"You know, she wasn't always like this, we used to be so close, she was so kind, a great queen, she was. Then he was killed. It was your father, the pirate and Roland's father, the thief. A disquieting duo those two are." She continued.

I looked up at her, confused why she was telling me this. "Why are you still here?" I hissed at her. She looked hurt momentarily but the pain was gone when she blinked. 

"I'm trying to help you, Princess." She informed me patiently. 

"Princess?" I had never been called a princess, what made me a princess? My father was a pirate, my mother was a normal woman from New York, or at least that's what I thought. Anna cocked her head to the side, looking at me with genuine confusion, or maybe it was pity for my lack of knowledge.

"Do you not know? Your grandparents are a king and a queen. Your mother is a princess, when she had you, you became one, too, a Royal." Anna explained this to me the way you might tell a 7 year-old that the tooth fairy is just your parents sticking money under your pillow while you sleep.

I shook my head at her. "N-no." I stuttered.

She nodded, there was a long silence before either of us spoke again.

It was Anna. "Come on, I have something to show you." She stood up, holding out her hand. Hesitantly, I took it. 

Checking both ways down the hall before pulling me to the left hall, Anna raced out the door. I stumbled behind, trying to keep up with the Princess.

Something stopped me as my right foot touched the ground outside the door. 

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