It's A Pirate's Life For Me

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"Hi, I'm Kirah Cassidy-Swan, I was born in Maine and I live with my mum, my father is M.I.A and has been since I was born." I waved stupidly at my class. I hated about-me projects

"Alright, Kirah, tell us something interesting about yourself." The teacher leans back in his seat crunching an apple between his fake teeth.

"Uh, well, when I was little instead of wanting to be like all the other girls and be a princess, I wanted to be a pirate." I smiled slightly.  "My mum says I get my accent from my dad. I assume he's a Brit or something." I rock back and forth on my heels with boredom. 

At least half of the classroom was messing with something else and not paying any attention. My teacher quirked an eyebrow and cleared his throat, tossing his apple into the desk side trash can.

"That'll be all Kirah you may go sit down." I grabbed my bag from my feet and walked slowly to a seat in the back of the room.

The sun shone around the edges of the closed blinds, filling the classroom with dim light. Mr. Parks began to drone on about algebra and I spaced out, to my own world. Neverland.

"Hey Kiddo, how was your first day?" my mom smiled up at me from the table.

"Fine." I replied dropping my book bag next to a chair beside me.

Mom tilted her head. "Sure, ok, because that tone really doesn't say 'fine' to me. It sounds like something happened, what was it?"

I groaned not really wanting to talk about my day, it wasn't bad, but still, I didn't talk to anyone about anything, except Henry.

"It's alright, really." I assured her. She held her hands up in surrender. "Ok, ok, whatever." She stood from her seat, kissed my head and walked to the kitchen.

"How about we go get some Chinese for dinner?" I turned in my seat and smiled "Sounds, great mum." This pleased her to see me smile.

"Good, Henry and Neal are coming too if you don't mind." I shook my head, I loved Neal, and he was the father I never had.

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