Soon As I Get Home

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Elsa's P.O.V

"TELL ME!" I shouted at the young prince, coiled on the floor like a snake.

"I-I don't know." He choked, blood dripped from his mouth. I snapped my fingers, ice slithering it’s' way around the boy's throat. He gagged the blood freezing on his chin as the ice reached his mouth. 

"Then I guess you have no need for your mouth." I hissed turning to walk away. Roland whimpered, tears rolling down his cheeks streaking the frost over the ice across his face. He looked at me helplessly. Trying to get through to me, telling me it wasn't his fault, he didn't truly know anything. 

"Do you love her?" I growled at him.

He looked shocked.

Kirah? He seemed to ask silently.

"Yes, the girl, Kirah, do you love her?" 

He nodded. I walked back to him and touched his cheek the ice melting.

"Since I was 4." He confessed. He lifted his shackled hands to his face, Roland wiped away the water left behind from the ice. 

"Why?" He asked.

"Then I'll just have to kill her..." I told him.

"NO!" He yelled, his deep voice echoing in the concrete room. 

"You took away my one love, I'll take away yours." I explained.

"I didn't kill him! I was four years old, Elsa! It was my father, it was an accident!" He cried.

"It doesn't matter, he's still dead isn't he?" I countered.

He stayed silent, staring at the floor.

"ISN'T HE!?" I shouted grabbing his face in my hand. He groaned in pain as his head was yanked up.

With one swift movement I never saw coming his spit at me. 

"Bitch." He hissed, a smile curled on his lips blood tinting his teeth. I wiped the saliva from my cheek. He took the opportunity to pull his face back and scramble as far away from me as possible.

"You little-" I stopped myself. "Fine, rot, see if I care." With that I walked away locking the door behind me. 

I ran up to my room slamming the door. The tears I had been holding back poured down my face and on to my dress, shimmering lightly. 

"What have I done? I've become a monster, Olaf." I swirled my finger around and a flurry produced, creating the small snowman I've had since Anna and I were little.

"Remember how I always told you and Anna some people are worth melting for?" He asked smiling gently, I nodded.

"Well, sure there are always those people, for you Hans was worth melting for, He was not worth becoming a monster, and he wouldn't have wanted you to do this. Let the boy go." He told me.

"I can't he's leverage."

"Elsa, Robin and Regina and all those other people you think are trying to hurt you and Anna won't even pay you any attention if they have their family. The only reason they are hunting you now is because you have their children, you can't get in the way of parents and their children."

I nodded, letting him know I understood.

"You know for a snowman of my creation you sure think you know everything." I grumbled at him.

He smiled gently, agreeing.

"I know. Now go free those kids, Elsa, please."

I got up and walked back down to the cellar where I was keeping Roland. It was empty. A key was laying on the floor next to open shackles. 

"He's gone!" I ran up the stairs and realized Anna and Kirah were nowhere to be found.

"Where are they!?"

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