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Kirah's P.O.V

After sentencing Elsa to her life in the cell, Roland took me upstairs to the nursery where everyone now stood. My mother, Neal, Henry, My grandparents, my uncle, Roland's parents, Anna and Kristoff... My father too. Standing next to my mother. All eyes were on us again.

"Kirah." my mother spoke first,a long sigh left her lips and my heart dropped. I was leaving... No... I couldn't leave, i always felt so out of place in the non-magic world; here i had Roland, i knew who i was Kirah Jones daughter of Captain Killian "Hook" Jones and Princess Emma Swan.

This is where i belonged.

"Mom, i can't-"

"I know... You don't have to." she whispered pulling me into a hug and kissing my head.

"This is my home." i told her.

"I know it is, i'll miss you." she sighed.

My father stepped forward. "Take care of her Killian." My mom ordered him.

"What do you say, love? Come sail the seas with me?" Hook smirked.

I looked at Roland and a smile spread across my face. "Actually, Daddy, i think I'll stay here with my grandparents... Learn to be a princess." after all, i thought, princes can only marry princesses.

Of course this was only in fairytails. I laughed to myself.

My family smiled. Mother pushed me gently towards Roland.

"You watch her, love her unconditionally and treat her like the queen she is." she smiled.

Roland embraced me kissing my forehead. "Yes ma'am... She deserves the world."

"Good boy."

+ + +

We all have that moment in our lives when we say goodbye to the ones we grew up with. Mothers, fathers, siblings... The ones that watched you grow and learn, experience new things. Today was my day.

I was leaving the only life i ever knew and jumping into a whole new -- and much weirder-- world with Roland.

We all stood on the docks, my mother, Henry and Neal aboard Hook's ship. He was to take them back to Storybrooke where they'd head back to Maine and live out their lives. Why they didn't stay in the Enchanted Forest, i had no idea.

Finally, goodbyes were said, tears were shed and my family left. Leaving me in my grandparents possession to raise me into the princess, and someday queen, i was.

Roland picked me up, propping his arms under my rear holding me up. I placed my hands on his cheeks.

My Happily Ever After was right in front of me.

Leaning down i kissed him, deeply, knowing for once in my life that i was happy, safe and had a real family. A whole family. Not a dead beat dad who left, but a father who loved me deeply. My mother willing to give me, her only daughter, up so that i could be happy.

This is my story.

Here is my journey to figuring out who i was and who i am yet to become.

Princess Kirah Swan Jones of The Enchanted Forest.


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