Let it Go

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Killian sighs loudly throwing his hands up in the air.

"You got me Elsa," He says.

"You’re just going to surrender to her?!" I shriek at him. Her lips curl into a cruel smile.

"That's Queen Elsa to you Killian. Come here child." She says bending a slender finger.

"No." I say defiantly. An unsettling growl comes from deep in her throat.

"Come here or I will freeze your beloved brother." Elsa hisses, gritting her teeth.

I look to Henry who shakes his head at me telling me not to go with her but I couldn't risk his life. I walk slowly to the Queen in blue.

"KIRAH!" Dad yells to me. He grabs Henry as he tries to run towards me. Elsa holds out a threatening hand which stops the boys in their tracks. 

"Please, let them be. You want me, you got me." I cry. "What did my dad ever do to you?" I ask regretting it immediately. Her eyes flash, an ice cold glare. 

"He took the love of my life from me." She says through gritted teeth. "It doesn't matter though. I have what he loves, and I plan to do the same to you as he did to my love." A tear falls down her cheek freezing half way down her face. 

She clears her throat and grabs my wrist creating a lethal bracelet of ice around it. Shivers go down my spine, icy pain rushing through my veins. I fall to my knees but look up in time to see Neal running towards Elsa a sword in hand. 

"Daddy," I choke out, I was losing my breath, my lungs freezing as the ice rushes up my arms and down my chest. 

With a flick of her wrist the sword in Neal's hand froze and shattered. Elsa chuckled evilly.

"You powerless humans. You think you can beat me. It's quite amusing actually." She snaps her fingers and a blast of wind opens a portal in front of us. The queen picks me up and walks through. 

Everything went black.

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