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Clark Kent looked out the window of his apartment wondering how he continued to get himself into these situations. He was a decent guy, he thought, not bad looking, yet his luck with women was non-existent. Lois was pissed at him and didn't even want to see him. Diana seemed interested in Bruce. His mind fleetingly thought of Zatanna, but he wasn't even sure how he would approach her. Besides, she was probably already seeing someone, he thought.

He was Superman. You'd think that would be like finding a golden ticket for the Wonka factory, but it wasn't working out that way. To make matters worse, gorgeous women surrounded him wherever he went. Just in the League alone, he couldn't walk down the hallway without being bombarded by stunning women of all shapes and sizes.

The thing was they didn't see him as another guy that might be interested in being more than teammates. They saw him as Superman, this larger than life iconic figure. He didn't even have the bad boy thing working for him, as Bruce had long ago staked a claim to that title.

The ladies loved the bad boy, or at least that was the general consensus from all the conversations he was forced to listen to. It was actually kind of depressing to listen to women he found attractive refer to him as a buddy or like a big brother or uncle. He was the same age as most of them, yet they treated him like some elder statesman. Even Wally was getting more action that Clark was. Here it was Saturday night and what was he doing?


He'd already done his patrol of the city and things were quiet. That meant another night spent alone in his apartment. He could go out as Clark Kent, but it seemed he had the mild mannered thing down so well, he was invisible, even when he didn't want to be.

It was probably for the best really. It wasn't like he could have a relationship with a regular girl anyway. One tiny slip and he'd probably cripple any normal woman. That tends to limit your dating pool considerably when you have to fear for your date's life every second. There were just so few women he could actually be himself with and most of them were already taken.

So here he was, a pretty good-looking guy in his twenties living like he was planning on joining the priesthood. Absently, Clark thought maybe he'd been too quick to dismiss Maxima's offer. Oh, sure, she was incredibly annoying and arrogant, but at least he'd have a date for Saturday night. Na, he thought, even he had limits to what he was willing to put up with for a date.

A knock on his door pulled him from his 'woe is me' tangent. It was probably one of his elderly neighbors needing his help with something. He opened the door to find Power Girl, Karen Starr standing there.

"Hey, Clark, I'm glad I caught you at home," she said. She walked right passed him and into his apartment.

"Yeah, what are the chances of that?" He muttered under his breath as he closed the door. She was wearing a long, loose trench coat and the look on her face told him she was not happy. She slumped down on the sofa and crossed her arm in front of her.

He hadn't seen her in months, as she was spending more time in New York and less around the League. She was a Kryptonian like him, except from another universe. If or how they were related, he'd never quite figured out. Everyone just assumed since they were both Kryptonian they must be related. Having a million other things on his mind at the time, Clark went along with it, referring to her as his cousin. It seemed easier that way.

"So what brings you to Metropolis, Karen," he asked.

She started and stopped several times, as her anger threatened to spill over. Finally she just said," people are just so stupid!"

"One of those nights, huh?"

"Yes!" She answered, her frown getting even more pronounced.

"So do you want a Coke or something and we can talk about it?"

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