Know when to walk away know when to run"

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Clark arrived back at his apartment rather late Saturday night. His time with Karen seemed to fly by. They had spent most of the time in each other's arms, never wanting to let the other go. Finally they'd parted and promised to not wait so long before the next time. Worn out in the best way, Clark managed to fly back to Metropolis and walk the few blocks to his apartment.

Kara had relented and given him back his room. He was afraid if he slept on the couch one more night he would be a permanent hunchback. Clark collapsed on the bed and fell right to sleep. His had rather erotic and sultry dreams of Karen.

The alarm started buzzing much too early. Still exhausted, Clark felt like he'd just gone to bed. It was Sunday, so he really didn't have to get up. His eyes closed he reached over to hit the snooze button, but the clock wasn't where it always was. His hand fumbled around the nightstand for the alarm, but couldn't seem to find it. Somehow the alarm stopped on it's own.

"Thank you," Clark mumbled and then rolled back over to get some more sleep. Just as he was about to drift back off, the wonderful smell of coffee filled his nostrils. His mouth watered and he licked his lips, as the aroma seemed almost tantalizingly close. One eye reluctantly opened to the sight of a steaming cup of coffee a few inches away from him. Kara was standing there smiling down at him.

"Wakie-wakie, cousin, can't have you sleep the whole day away," she whispered to him.

"Got in late, tired,' he mumbled, rolling back over and pulling the covered around his neck. The aroma of the coffee seemed to follow him. As exhausted as he was, it smelled so wonderful it kept him from falling back to sleep.

"Yes, I know," whispered Kara. She silently moved around the other side of the bed and gently waved the coffee cup under his nose. "But now it's time to get up."

"Don't want to."

"Get up, Clark,' Kara said a little louder.

"Ten minutes."

"Now, Clark."

"Five minutes."

"You know what I like in the morning, Clark," she asked him. "I mean besides a delicious cup of fresh coffee? Music. Music is a real eye-opener."

"That's nice," Clark mumbled, not opening his eyes.

"I especially like speed metal for those days it's hard to get out of bed." With a smile, Kara touched the screen on her iPod and Metallica's Master of Puppets came blaring through the iPod dock.

"What the hell," Clark gasped. His eyes were wide open as the wall of sound hit him. Kara reached over and turned the music off with a smile. She stood there looking at him with the cup of coffee in her hand.

"See? Works every time," Kara smirked.

"You're evil, you realize that, don't you," Clark said. She waved the coffee under his nose.

"Well, maybe not pure evil," he reconsidered. "Must be part angel, cause that coffee smells heavenly."

"It does, doesn't it?"

"Yes," he replied and reached for the coffee. She pulled it back out of his reach.

"Oh, did you want some? This is my cup."

"Definitely pure evil," he moaned as he moved over and sat on the side of the bed.

"Maybe you should get your girlfriend to make you coffee, Clark," she snidely replied. "Oh, right that would call for you two to get out of bed long enough to make coffee."

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