"The Drumbeat Grew Louder"

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Chapter 22

"The Drumbeat Grew Louder"


John Stewart was tired. Between his Lantern duties and the League, he'd been on the go for almost twenty-six hours. As he made his way up to his apartment, his only thoughts were of a hot shower and a comfortable bed.

The moment he opened his door, he knew those would have to wait. The green glow of her ring outlined her figure in the darkness. Katma Tui. There was history between them, but somehow he knew this wasn't personal.

"Hello, John Stewart, we need to talk," she immediately said. The fact that she had broken into his apartment wasn't mentioned, it was straight to business.

"You're a long way from your usual stomping grounds, aren't you, Katma," he asked. He turned on the light over his drafting board to get a better look at her. It didn't provide that much illumination, but at least it helped see her a little clearer. She was lovely as always. There was a time when just the sight of her in or out of that uniform sent John's heart racing, but that was in the past. Those memories flash through his mind while he waited for her to begin. For some reason he always associated the scent of cinnamon with her. It always lingered in the room, even after she'd gone.

"You look tired, John Stewart."

Now he knew for certain it was business. She always had that irritating habit of using his full name when she wanted to be professional.

"I've been pretty busy," he offered.

"Yes, the Guardians have noticed," she replied. "You do remember them, don't you? The primary people you work for?"

"Is there a point to this?"

That got a brief smile from her. She moved slowly towards him. He couldn't help but admire the fluid grace that seemed to be an innate part of everything she did. Katma ran her fingertips along the back of his couch, as if wanting to get a tactile sense of her surroundings. She looked at him again, but the smile was gone.

"Yes, it seems your involvement in the Justice League has made you lax in your responsibilities to the Guardians, John Stewart. Your job isn't just to fight crime in this sector, but to report all major events back to the Guardians."

"I know what my job is, Katma," John said in irritation. "The Guardians have my reports. I've kept them up on all the major events in this sector."

"Are you sure," she asked. She crossed her arms in front of her. The pose she struck clearly a challenge to him.

"Yes, but since you're here I'm assuming there's a reason," John replied. "If you think I've failed to report something, why don't you stop this game and just tell me what it is?"

She walked towards him and stopped only two feet away. She picked up the newspaper from the table and held it up in front of his face. It was the cover with Superman and Power Girl.

"They're dating, I'd hardly call that a major event," he said dismissively.

"The Guardians disagree, John Stewart," she replied. "They think it is a rather important occurrence. One that you should have reported."

"Since when do they care who's dating who," John asked.

"Since it involves Superman," she answered. "Superman and another Kryptonian is a major event, John Stewart."

"I don't think so."

"The big picture isn't your concern," she said. "But it is the Guardians."

'The big picture, are you serious?" John laughed. "Those little guys have too much time on their hands if they've started worrying about who Superman's dating."

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