"Boy Friend Girl Friend Boyfriend Girlfriend"

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New York

After a quick trip to Karen's apartment, the two took a leisurely stroll down to the local cinema. It was the usual multiplex showing sixteen different first run features. Clark and Karen stood in front of the marquee looking at the offerings.

"So what do you want to see," he asked.

"Oh, I don't care, whatever you want to see," She replied.

"I'm not sure, whatever you want to see is fine."

"Well, I'm okay with whatever you choose."

"Are you sure, because I'm fine with whatever you want to see," Clark offered.

"Yeah, I don't know, whatever you want to see," she replied.

This went on for several minutes.

"Karen," Clark finally said.

"It's okay, Clark, just pick something, it's fine," she interrupted.

'Karen, I know this is kind of a first date, but are we going to do this all night?"

"What do you mean?"

"The whole I don't care, whatever you want, no I don't care whatever you want thing," Clark replied. "Cause if we are, some of the movies have already started and we're still faced with the whole concession question, never mind picking seats."

They both smiled, a little embarrassed by their indecision.

"I'm a little nervous, it's been awhile since I was on a first date," she admitted.

"Yeah, me too," Clark offered. "To be really honest, I'm just kind of happy to be out of the apartment on a Saturday night."

"Just how long has it been," she asked with a smile.

His eyes looked up as he tried to do some figuring, but then he gave up. "Let's just say that if you have to think about it, it's too long."

"Spending a lot of quality alone time, Clark," she teased. It was his turn to blush. He deflected this question and turned it back to the subject at hand.

"About the movie, is there something you want to see? I like pretty much everything, so I'm not going to judge, promise."

"Well, I am kind of a horror movie fan," she confessed. "The one on screen twelve has been getting great reviews."

Clark glanced at the movie times and saw it hadn't started yet.

"Okay, that works out great, we can actually still catch the beginning," he replied.

"I know, I checked the times, it starts last so I figured we end up seeing it anyway.'

"Devious. This whole passive aggressive thing is a side of you I haven't seen before,' Clark chuckled.

"I like to keep my dates guessing," she teased.

"Interesting," Clark said. 'Anything else I should know before I get the tickets?"

" I like popcorn with lots of butter and salt." She smiled and headed towards the lobby. Clark watched her walk away and laughed. He went over and bought two tickets.

One of the things Clark hadn't given much thought to until now was the size of movie theater seats. In your standard multiplex they are more than spacious enough for an average size person of say five nine or so. Usually the way to compensate for this is the buffer seat. Since this was a date that wasn't an option. It meant they were sitting very, very close together. Snug was the word that came to mind, as he tried to get comfortable. Hoping to give himself just a little more room, Clark reached his arm around the back of her seat. Karen noticed this at once.

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