Words Spoken and Unspoken

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Words Spoken and Unspoken"

New York

'Falling in Love' is an expression you hear everyday. It's used so often to talk about everything from the car you drive to the brand of detergent you use. It has become commonplace, devalued for most, until it happens to them. Because of the constant references to it associated with everything else, it's actually hard to be sure if those feelings you're experiencing are really it. How do you know for sure if you're falling in love?

The debate over an exact definition of love may be found in literature as well as in the works of psychologists, philosophers, biochemists and other professionals and specialists.

A scientific mind might say it's just a chemical response to certain stimuli. These reactions have a genetic basis, and therefore love is a natural drive as powerful as hunger.

Others would theorized that individuals seek partners who share certain interests and tastes, while at the same time looking for a "complement" or completing of themselves in a partner.

The more romantic might suppose that it is finding the other half of you, a soul mate.

All may be valid arguments and theories, but for someone experiencing it for the first time, they are not much help.

As Karen walked back from the office to her home, her mind turned over these thoughts. Like most people her age, she had experienced crushes, infatuations, even lust, but didn't think she'd fallen in love yet. Oh, there were moments in previous relationships where she felt love, but they were only moments.

Being with Clark felt different from the others. Yes, there was infatuation and certainly lust, but she was starting to wonder if stronger feelings were beginning. Was it turning into love, she wondered? Was she in love with Clark, already?

No, no, she told herself, they'd only been going out a short time. She'd fallen hard with crushes before, so it was probably like that. The problem was it didn't feel like those crushes. The feelings weren't going away, they were intensifying. The more she was with him; the more she wanted to be with him. She just wanted him, period.

It was such a strange and both exciting and a little frightening feeling to want someone like this. She craved his touch and to touch him. She would never have described herself as oversexed, but she thought about it all the time with Clark. That part of their relationship she was sure she loved.

It wasn't just the sex though. Karen found she just liked talking to him, being with him. He was interested in her, all of her not just the physical side that most tended to focus on with her. He listened when she talked about her business and what she hoped for it. He seemed to see the whole person and wasn't intimidated. He didn't shy away from showing her his vulnerability either.

Karen definitely liked Clark more than any other man she had dated, but was it love? Could you fall in love with someone this fast? Did he feel the same way? Should she ask him or would that just freak him out and ruin everything? It seemed one question spurred ten more.

It was times like this she wished she hadn't been quite so independent since her arrival in this universe. She had been so determined to prove herself and make it on her own she hadn't let anyone in. She was trying to be better about it, but it was slow going. Karen secretly envied the way Shayera, Zatanna and Dinah were more than just teammates, but friends away from the station. It would be nice to have a friend she could call tonight to just talk about what she was feeling.

It was rather a shock to realize the person she was closest to was also the person she would want to talk about, Clark. Whether she was in love with him or not, Karen suddenly realized that somehow in the short time they were together, he'd become her best friend. Then he'd always been there for her. Wasn't it her seeking him out that started all of this?

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