Girl Watcher

527 16 0

Southeast Asia

They were truly beings of the air. Wind, temperature, storms had no barring on their gifts. They were the living embodiment of man's age-old dream to fly. How could they not revel in the sheer joy of it? Add to that they could share this with one another, away from prying eyes, made it too tempting a situation for Clark and Karen.

They hadn't seen each other since their one night together. Both had been thinking constantly about their next meeting and then it happened on the station. Clark was almost finished with his shift and was sitting in the cafeteria having coffee when he looked up and saw her. He probably wasn't the first to notice that her uniform left little to the imagination. Having seen her without it, Clark found it difficult not to picture her that way again. There was just no getting around it; Karen was a stunningly beautiful woman. The memory of their night together began to stir those same desires within Clark. He wanted her.

Since her move to New York, Karen had been putting more time in with the League, helping out where she could. She'd taken an extra shift today, giving Green Lantern a much-needed day off. The other, real reason she'd taken it was she saw Clark's name on the roster, too. She hadn't been able to call him, as Kara seemed to always be there when she tried and neither one of them wanted to deal with that just yet. On top of that, her business had kept her busy so she couldn't fly down to Metropolis. This was the first break in her schedule and she knew she had to see him again.

As she walked into the cafeteria, saying hello to Dinah and Ollie, her eyes scanned the crowd looking for him. A thrill raced through her when their eyes met. She had to will herself not to rush over to his table. She wasn't sure she would be able to stop herself from kissing him if she did. As Karen casually let her eyes roam over his magnificent form, the telltale signs of arousal began. She wanted him.

Thankfully, a mission came up, saving them from a rather embarrassing situation in front of all the League members. A fire had broke out deep in the rainforest and threatened to spread. Jonn signaled Clark and he made his way to the command center, stealing one more glance at Power Girl.

"Yeah, Jonn," Clark said as he walked into the commanded center.

"I know your shift is almost over, but this has just come up," Jonn replied. He showed Clark the latest satellite images of the fire.

"I'll transport down immediately."

"If you wait a moment, I'll see if there is anyone else that can assist you," Jonn said.

"I'll go." A voice said from the doorway. Jonn and Clark turned to see Power Girl standing there.

"Your shift is almost over as well, Power Girl and you are only filling in for Lantern," Jonn replied.

"If I can help, I'm willing," she offered, trying not to let her gaze turn to Clark.

"Superman," Jonn asked.

"I'd love to have her, I mean, ah, um, have her on this mission," Clark stumbled to say. "If you don't need Karen for something else that is?"

"No, this is the most pressing issue," Jonn replied. "Alright, Power Girl join Superman."

"My pleasure," she smiled, hoping it didn't come out sounding too excited.

She stepped up onto the platform next to Clark, willing herself not to reach out and touch him. He could feel the heat of her skin so near to his.

"Are you two ready," Jonn asked.

"Yes!' The both answered a little too quickly. Jonn gave them a look, but didn't say anything. He beamed them down to the crisis area. In the next moment they appeared five thousand feet above the fire. They looked at each other for a moment.

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