Thank you - Thank you"

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Clark was deep in thought as he walked back to his apartment. Things had gone much better on his date with Karen then he expected, much better. Originally it was just to cheer her up and get out of the apartment, but as the night went on he found himself becoming more and more attracted to her.

He, of course, had noticed before how incredibly gorgeous she was. He wasn't that big a Boy Scout, but the whole cousin thing had stopped any further thoughts. As the night went on and they spent more time together, he began to see her in a different light. She was fun, with a smart playful side he hadn't known about. She was a confident woman, who had grown into her own in the past years. It made her extraordinarily alluring to him.

The other part that was such a fresh change for him was he didn't have to worry about being himself around her. His gifts had always forced him to treat everyone as if they were made of the most delicate glass. He had to be constantly vigilant or he would injury someone or worse, even with most of his teammates. Because of who she was and where she was from, he didn't have to be so cautious. He could put his arm around her and give her shoulder a squeeze without worrying about crushing it to dust.

Maybe this was what it would have been like if he's grown up on Krypton?

He could just be another guy going out on a date with a young woman. The fact that she was beautiful, sexy, funny and smart didn't hurt either. He realized he probably had a little crush on her already. He definitely wanted to get to known her better. There was just the whole cousin thing he had to figure out first.

He really hoped they weren't related and was already thinking of ways to find out for sure. There were so few people; especially women that his gifts weren't an issue with, he didn't want to miss a chance with one of the more charming ones.

While his mind was preoccupied with these thoughts, he failed to hear the running footsteps of one of the other young women that shared his gifts. Kara had just arrived and seeing Clark deep in thought she decided to surprise him.

"Clark!" she shouted and then leaped into his arms.

"He-eeyy, Kara." Clark managed to say, even as he tried to keep his balance under the impact of her embrace.

"Gotcha!" She laughed, disengaging herself from him. Clark caught his breath for a second before answering.

"Yeah, you did, so wh-what are you doing here," he asked.

"School's out, so I thought I'd come to the city and see you, Cous!"

"Couldn't wait to escape the farm, huh?"

"God, yes! I know you grew up there, but that was like a million years ago! I'm eighteen! I'm a city girl at heart!"

"Did you even let them know you were leaving," he asked.

"Yes! Of course, Clark, give me some credit? I tried calling you last night, but you must have been out saving the city or something," she replied. "Though I didn't see anything on the news, so where were you last night, Clark?"

"Um, ah, I went out."

"You? On a Saturday night? Was there some neighbor garden outreach thing or something," she asked.

"Just how old do you think I am, Kara? I went to a movie, okay?"

"Wow, you're so cutting edge, Clark," she sarcastically replied.

"I've missed you too, Kara. How long are you staying?"

"All summer! Isn't that great," she excitedly said.

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