Answer One Question"

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Chapter 23

"Answer One Question"


There was probably another hour at most before the sun went down. Out here on the flatlands it appeared as a huge orange globe casting everything in a warm glow of amber, gold and ginger. A gentle breeze slightly stirred the fields of wheat, as geese silently flew in formation above.

The beauty and calm all around made it seem like a cathedral to the natural wonders. Clark walked with Bruce at his side, feeling more at peace than he had in weeks. He knew why Bruce was here and what he hoped to achieve. Clark understood his friend well enough to know none of this was by accident or spontaneous. There was always a plan, a reason behind every action. By coming to him like this, Bruce probably thought he would catch Clark off guard, with his defenses down. Clark was even sure there was a reason why he'd come as Bruce Wayne and not Batman.

Bruce had made a mistake, Clark thought. This farm and the surrounding land was his center, his touchstone. His defenses were down, but it didn't matter here. This was home.

So Clark just waited, enjoying the tangible sense of just being here, until Bruce was ready to begin.

Bruce knew he was taking a risk, but it was a calculated risk coming here like this. He was giving up atmosphere and terrain, but those only mattered here for Clark. Bruce couldn't intimidate Clark as Batman. That was like trying to stare down a hurricane. It might appear to work for a while, but eventually the storm always wins. No, Bruce knew he couldn't get to Clark through the usual means alone. It's why he chose to confront him here at his boyhood home. Sentiment and emotions had to be mixed with logic if Bruce hoped to make Clark see the mistake he was making.

Every opponent had a weakness; with Clark it wasn't Kryptonite, but his heart.

"How's your mother doing?" Bruce began.

"Um, good, good, thanks for asking," Clark replied.

"It must be hard for her since your father died keeping this place up," Bruce observed. "It must get lonely out here."

"It was difficult for a long time, but she's a strong woman," Clark said. "She's even started seeing an older gentleman from town, but she doesn't think I know."

They both smiled at this.

"She does know you're Superman, right," Bruce joked.

"I'm just Clark to her," he smiled. "Oh, by the way, she saw you on the TV a while ago. She said you're too thin, you need to eat more."

Bruce laughed.

"I'm sure Alfred would agree."

They both smiled and walked on for a bit in silence.

"But you didn't come all the way out here to see how Martha Kent is doing, did you Bruce?"

Clark figured there was no use waiting, so he gave Bruce his opening.

"No, I didn't, but it's always good to be polite," Bruce replied.

"I appreciate the gesture."

"You know I'm here about your fling with Power Girl, Clark." Bruce finally dove right in.


"You know when this tryst goes bad, it will be her that gets hurt."

"Stop right there, Bruce," Clark said. He turned and looked at his friend. "Karen is her name and I'd appreciate if you'd use it. Also, we're not going any further if you deliberately denigrate our relationship with words like fling and tryst. I'm willing to listen to whatever you have to say, but I ask you to respect that as a friend."

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