"It's alright Ma I think I can make it"

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

"It's alright, Ma, I think I can make it"

Primus 5

Strange times sometimes bring out the most unlikely defenders. After Clark walked out, his words seemed to linger in the air. It took several moments, but then the howls of protest began. Perhaps his words had hit too close to the mark or just too close to the bone. Now that he was gone, most delegates agreed they would not stand for it. It was like a time lapsed 'Oh Yeah!', too little, too late.

Maxima was probably one of the most vain and self-centered beings in the galaxy. She thought of her wants and needs first, second and usually third. She was spoiled, pampered and indulged by her people at every turn. She'd been denied only one thing in her life, Superman. As much as she wanted to hate him for turning her down, something about him had touched her deep inside where no one had before. In her own way, she actually did love him.

Now that he was gone, she was miserable. Another chance missed. Slowly, as she sat lamenting this latest failure with him, the shouting of the other delegates started to filter into her brain. Truthfully, she hadn't really paid much attention to anyone else at the conference besides Superman. Looking around, she saw for the first time that they all seemed very angry. Even the little blue man with the big head seemed upset. What was he a Guardian or something, Maxima tried to remember.

Listening to their words, she realized they were angry at Kal-El. Now that Almerac had a parliament, she had to endure this sort of thing all the time, but unlike back home, she was actually interested in the topic at hand. Maxima felt her blood start to boil as she listened to them slander Kal-El. She found her slim fingers curling into a fist the more she listened. It suddenly occurred to her that they were afraid of him. As she looked from one delegate to the next, she saw that same look of anger in their eyes, but also the fear just behind it. How stupid are these people, she wondered?

"I think we have no choice but to levy sanctions against the Justice League in protest," The Thanagarian delegate shouted. That was too much for Maxima.

"Veto!" She shouted, just as she would in her own parliament. She didn't want to hear anymore of that foolishness.

"Madam, this isn't your home world, you don't have that right," the Guardian said in exasperation.

"Besides, your feelings for him hardly make you impartial." The Rann delegate derisively observed.

How about me crushing your little pin head, you toad, Maxima thought, but held herself in check. Besides being pampered and spoiled, Maxima was also rather bright. She had learned very quickly back on Almerac, that while the form of government might change, so could she. She learned she didn't always have to physically threaten her opponents to win the day.

"You're right, delegate, I do have feelings for Superman and I'm hardly impartial, but that's only because I know the man. Apparently I'm the only one here that does.'

A clamor went up, disputing and protesting her words, but she calmly waited until they subsided.

"Deny it all you want, but I can see the fear in each of you," she began. "If you fear Superman, you don't know him at all. He's not like you. He's decent, honest and kind. You say it's because he's with this Kryptonian woman that you're concerned, but I think it's because deep down you know he's better than you. That's what really eats away at you, the fear that he's just a little better than you are."

Delegates protested, but Maxima held the floor.

"You talk of sanctions, for what," she asked. "He's committed no crime against you or your people. I admit I wasn't paying that much attention, but I do remember you railing against his technology, yet rock boy's pet over there immediately demanding some of it. I get it now, why you're all so afraid and upset. You're putting yourself in Superman's place and thinking of all the things you would do if you were he. You think if you've thought about doing them, how could he not have? I'll tell you, because he's not like you."

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