And The Band Played On"

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Chapter 24

"And The Band Played On"

The Watchtower

The lounge on the tower is supposed to be one of the places the heroes can kick back and relax between missions. It has several monitors, so individuals can watch movies or TV from anywhere in the world. Currently The Question and Shining Knight are standing in front of one of the smaller monitors watching the Glen Beck show. The host is in midstream of his rant.

"...spending the money on embryonic stem cell research. ... Eugenics. In case you don't know what Eugenics led us to: the Final Solution. A master race! A perfect person. ... The stuff that we are facing is absolutely frightening. And now what is everyone talking about? Superman and Power Girl are dating. Superman, hum, why you could almost say he's a, perfect person? It's all tied together, folks and frankly it scares the hell out of me! I mean we have GM, which no longer stands for General motors, but Government Motors! What's their big selling feature? Like I told you before, OnStar! It's in all their cars! It's a way to track everyone's movements! Now I see it's even bigger than I thought! OnStar, think about that name for just a minute folks, OnStar. Who comes from the heavens or the stars? Can you see it? Superman, that's who! They're practically rubbing it in our faces, folks! Oh, this is much bigger than I feared, ladies and gentlemen; this is the real final solution! The government wants to replace ordinary you and me with a race of supermen! It's all going to hell in a hand basket! I've warned you about the dangers of illegal aliens before, but this is crisis level! Superman! He's an illegal alien! I've never seen his green card, have you? Now he's together with his future Kryptonian baby Momma! The Master Race! It's here right now and no one is doing anything to stop it!"

He breaks into tears at this point.

The Question leans towards the Shining Knight and whispers, "This guy is crazy."

The Shining Knight gives The Question a look.

"Thou thinkst?"


Desaad was making his report to Darkseid on all that was happening. The Dark Lord seemed even more sullen and distant than usual. Desaad knew from painful experience that when Darkseid was like this, it was dangerous for everyone.

"I grow weary of listening to you, Desaad, are you finished," Darkseid said menacingly.

"Just-Just one last matter, O Great One." Desaad was nervous, but hoped this would save him by shifting the Master's focus to someone else. "It concerns Superman."

Darkseid turned and focused his cold, dead eyes on his lackey.


"Our agents report he has started a romantic relationship with another hero, Power Girl,"


"She's a Kryptonian, as well," Desaad nervously said.

"Interesting," Darkseid absently replied. He seemed to ponder on this for a few moments. Desaad knelt uncomfortably next to him, hoping this wouldn't worsen his mood.

"How are the people of Earth and his teammates taking this news," Darkseid asked.

"From the reports it seems many are worried about what it means."

Desaad almost gasped, for as Darkseid listened to his words something approaching a smile crossed his face. It was cold and forbidding, but it was there.

"You have pleased me, Desaad," said Darkseid.

"Do you wish our agents to do anything, Lord?"

"Why? Worry and fear spread about Superman. It will bring him pain that those he trusts and protects turn away from him. It weakens both him and Justice League. Earth puts itself in greater danger with their fears. All these things I relish. Anything that brings pain to Kal-El, I celebrate. Continue to monitor the situation."

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