A Kara in the Rye

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The Watchtower


"Look I appreciate it, Jonn, really, but I just passed out, is all. Maybe I'm growing too fast or something. Ma Kent is always telling me I'm getting so tall so fast, but it's usually her way of trying to push food on me. What is it with country Earth folk and packing in the chow, anyway? Just because you grow it doesn't mean you have to eat it all.

I probably shouldn't talk about them like that. They're nice people, but kind of a little touchy about the whole hayseed stereotype thing. I mean just mention Mr. You Know Who might be a little square and you might as well get comfortable because it's going to be like a three hour lecture. I mean, come on, it's like Green Acres out there! Farm living ain't the life for me, but don't say that to them. They get this look like you killed their dog or something. I know they were nice to you and invited you for Christmas, so don't freak out about it. I really care for Ma and Pa Kent; it's just, you know, a farm in the middle of nowhere.

What? Oh, the screaming. Look I really don't want to talk about it, okay? Yeah, I know, I scared the hell out of everybody screaming like that. Well, the screaming and the passing out and all wasn't something I planned. I got a big shock, okay? I'd just don't want not to talk about it.

You're not going to like probe my mind, are you, Jonn? Cause I got to tell you, you have kind of a creepy vibe going already and the whole mind reading thing ain't helping. Since I'm being honest, don't get offended, but what's the deal with your costume anyway? I mean, boots, a swimsuit, suspenders and a cape? Why suspenders and a swimsuit? Is that like some kind of weird Martian fashion thing or what? If you're going with the swimsuit look, why not scuba shoes instead of boots? Some consistence is all I'm talking about. How old are you anyway, Jonn? Maybe it's time for some big boy pants, a nice cotton blend, is what I was thinking.

Have I been depressed lately? That really came out of left field, Jonn. Wait, wait, are you trying to analysis me? Is that it? Can't someone scream and pass out without everyone freaking on her? God, if I wasn't embarrassed enough, now you think I'm suicidal or something. Is everybody going to be looking at me funny now? I can just hear them now, poor Kara, flipped out on the station, how sad. Bunch of phonies.

What's that? Clark's really worried about me? Ha. that's rich! I'm surprised he could take a break and get out of bed long enough to notice! I mean I'm only his flesh and blood, after all. If you really want to know, he's the reason I screamed, well, him and her.

Who's her? I don't want to talk about, okay? I don't even want to think about it, really. Maybe Zatanna can do one of those mind wipe things on me so I won't have it playing on a loop in my head.

Who? Zatanna? No, what does she have to do with anything? Come on Jonn keep up, will you? It was a joke, okay? How's that, I seem angry with Clark? Duh, Jonn. You know without that reading people's mind thing, you're really kind of slow on the uptake, aren't you? I've been here less time than you and I've picked up the culture, what's your excuse?

Sorry, I shouldn't take it out on you. You're just trying to help, I know. Okay, yeah, I'm angry with Clark. Satisfied? Not satisfied, huh? You want to know what happened, don't you? You're not going to let me just leave without telling you, are you? What? Would I feel more comfortable talking to Clark? He's right outside? Is she with him? No, Jonn, I definitely don't want to talk to him, ever! I already told you I'm mad at him!

Look, if you promise to keep this between us, I'll tell you, okay? Promise? Okay, the reason I screamed and passed out was because I saw Clark and her doing it. I mean full on, naked! They were going at it like it was the last day of their lives or something. I cringe a little bit just thinking about it. Yuck, gross, just disgusting, I mean who wants to see their cousin like that? Get a room, already, Jeez.

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