Sleep perchance to dream

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After struggling first to stay on the couch and then to get at least somewhat comfortable, Clark finally managed to fall asleep.

He opened his eyes to the bluest sky he'd ever seen. Clark was in midair, just hanging far above the ground soaking in the warm rays of the sun. A smile spread across his face and happiness seemed to well up inside of him. Stretching his arms out wide as if he were greeting the dawn, Clark felt at peace with the entire world.

The flutter of cloth caused him to open his eyes and look above him. In the next moment she was in his arms, her lips pressed hungrily to his. Unbridled passion seemed to cause the very air around them to ripple. In an almost desperate need, they joined and became one. Gasps of pleasure escaped her lips, as groans of sheer ecstasy rumbled from deep in his throat.

Beams of light surrounded them, flickering and dancing off their joined bodies. When it seemed they would cross over from sheer bliss into madness at the joy they were sharing, their peak arrived simultaneously.

"Karen," he gasped, the word ripped from deep inside of him. He could feel every inch of her against him, so perfect so right. They lingered in each other's arms, not wanting it to end. Kiss after kiss only stoked the fire again. Her lips made a sensuous line along his cheek to his ear and he heard her whisper.

"There's a storm coming.'

The sound of distant thunder made him open his eyes and see the dark clouds slowly appearing on the horizon.

"We'll make it through," he replied. There was something about the look in her eye that troubled him. He wanted to reassure her, but her lips claimed his once more.


The voice was like the blast of an air horn to his sensitive ears. Clark's eyes popped open and for a moment he didn't know where he was. In the next instant, the world began to shift and he realized just before he hit the floor, he was in his apartment.

The sound of laughter made him glance up just in time to see Kara walking into the kitchen.

"It's going to be a long day," Clark groaned. Slowly he untangled himself from the sheets and got off the floor.

New York

After Batman's exit, it took Karen quite awhile to calm down. She went around and double checked all her windows and doors and remembered to set the alarm this time. She thought about calling Clark but he would just be upset. She had handled it, so there was no reason to worry him.

Pouring herself another glass of wine, she dropped into the sofa and turned on the TV. She felt so keyed up, she just wanted to unwind and calm down with some mindless entertainment. She immediately switched to MTV.

About an hour later, she turned off the set and headed to her bedroom. After a quick shower she climbed under the covers exhausted. Moments later she was asleep.

It was the rustle of the wind that made her open her eyes. She found herself sitting on a porch, fields stretching out in every direction. The tall grass gently swayed under the warm sun. It was an unfamiliar place, but she found it quite soothing. As Karen glanced around, she noticed three glasses of lemonade sitting on the table next to her. One was different, appearing to be a young child's cup. For some unexplainable reason this brought a smile to her face.

The sound of laughter made her turn back towards the fields. It took a moment, but then she saw a small figure running through the grass. Karen couldn't make out whom it was, but from the sound of the laughter they were having a marvelous time.

There was something so familiar and comfortable about this place, even if she had no idea where she was. Lazily, Karen picked up the closest glass of lemonade and took a sip. The tart flavor mixed with just a hint of sweetness and the cool liquid felt wonderful as she swallowed. Relaxing and leaning back in her chair, Karen noticed for the first time she wasn't wearing her usual power business suit or even her costume. She was wearing a plain white blouse and khaki shorts. She was barefoot; a pair of worn sandals lay haphazardly on the porch in front of her. Usually she would have guessed she was on vacation, but this didn't look like any resort she'd ever been to. It looked like a home and somehow she knew it was her home.

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