The Big Reveal"

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It had been a very silent morning at the Kent apartment. The few words that had been spoken were all one sided. The other side let her mood be known through other, non-verbal means. The apartment and its contents were taking the brunt of this. Clark had tried to draw Kara out to talk about it, but was having no luck. He decided to give it one more try and came at it from a different angle.

"I know you're upset, Kara, and I'll apologize again for the way you found out," Clark began. "Seeing us like that couldn't have been pleasant for you. I know what it's like, really, I do. When I was first gaining my powers, specifically my x-ray vision, I accidently saw Ma and Pa in pretty much the same situation. I know how traumatic that can be, believe me. I couldn't face them for weeks. I wanted to tear out my eyes with my fingers it was so shocking. I mean, no one wants to think about his or her parents like that, let alone actually see them. It still kind of creeps me out just remembering it."

Clark shuddered a bit as the memory came back. Kara turned and looked at him.

"Gross!" She shouted, making a face. "Why did you have to tell me that? Now I'm going to be picturing Ma Kent doing...doing, oh, God, Clark, are you trying to make me sick? It was bad enough seeing you and her like that, now you've taken it to a whole different level of disgusting! At least you're young, but Ma Kent? It's not like you were the first naked guy I've seen, but euww, now I have that horrible image in my mind! I can't face Ma Kent ever again without thinking of it!"

A shudder went through Kara.

"Wait a second, just what guys have you seen naked, Kara," Clark asked. He'd almost missed that detail, but now his curiosity was peaked. He wasn't sure he liked the idea of his young cousin seeing guys naked.

Kara realized she'd let that slip and hadn't meant to. She blushed with embarrassment, but quickly tried to change the subject.

"We're-We're not-not talking about me-me here, Clark, we're talking about you-you and your girlfriend," Kara stammered. "Let's stay on topic, okay?"

"Just how many guys have you seen naked," Clark asked. "I thought we agreed you weren't supposed to use your x-ray vision like that."

"I didn't," Kara answered before thinking.


Clark definitely didn't like what that implied. He stood up and crossed his arms in front of him.

"I think you have some explaining to do, young lady."

"Quite trying to change the subject, Clark! I'm still mad at you! On top of everything else I made a fool of myself on the station! I'm never going to live down screaming and passing out like that," she exclaimed. Clark could see she was embarrassed, and his natural instincts took over.

"Hey, I'm sorry about all of that, really. Since you're talking to me now, maybe you could tell me what I could do to make it up to you? Just tell me and I'll do it, anything."


"Sure," Clark smiled.

"You could break up with her," Kara quickly asked.

"Okay, anything but that," Clark replied. "Why does me seeing Karen bother you so much, anyway?"

"Because it's not right, that's why," Kara fired back. "She's practically related to you!"

"No, we made sure that she wasn't, actually," Clark countered. "I thought you'd be relieved to know it's official, you're my only blood relative."

"I am, but that also means you should listen to me," Kara said. "She's just not right for you. If you have to date someone from the League, pick someone else, not her!"

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