Irresistible Impulses

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The Watchtower

As Clark made his way down the main hallway, he could hear the buzz from all over the station about Kara screaming and passing out. Wild speculation about the cause had already started. Theories seem to run the gambit from the stupid, she saw a mouse, to the disturbing, and she had some sort of alien psychotic breakdown.

For his part, Clark wasn't saying anything. He wanted to speak with her but from listening to her conversation with Jonn, he knew he should probably give her some time, a lot of time. There was also the fact that it gave him the willies a little to know she'd seen him naked with Karen. He felt kind of violated and absently pulled is cape around him to cover up just a bit more.

The first thing he wanted to do was try and contain who knew about him seeing Karen, that meant finding and talking to Wally. As he made his way through the hallways, he returned the greetings and questions about Kara as politely as he could, without giving any more information. It took a moment, but he finally located Wally in the training room. Entering his command code, Clark moved inside just as Wally was finishing up another simulation.

As always Wally's speed fascinated Clark. Very few people could move faster than Clark could when the need arise, but Wally certainly fell into that category. Clark could push him in a race more than just about anyone, but when it came right down to it, Wally was the World's Fastest Man. There was admiration in Clark's eyes as he watched his friend, loving how Wally seemed to revel in the sheer joy of speed. It was a secret love they both shared.

Wally saw Clark out of the corner of his eye and quickly finished off the last obstacles. He switched off the stimulator and came over to him.

"Quite a workout, Wally," Clark said.

"Oh, I was just working off some, ah, well, tension," Wally replied. "I guess you've found your own way, haven't you, Big Blue?"

There was a huge grin on Wally's face.

"About that," Clark started.

"You dog!" Wally laughed. "You come off as this quiet country bumpkin, but you scored like the hottest chick around! I mean Power Girl, wow! She's like, well, you know, hot, hot, Hot! Chicks must dig that quiet shy act! Way to go, Big Blue!"

"Thanks, I think," replied Clark.

"If that sheet she almost had on was any thinner! Man, she is built!"

"Really, not going there, Wally," Clark interrupted. "I just wanted to thank you for not saying anything."

"It was hard, not saying anything I mean," Wally replied. "Well, that wasn't the only thing..."

"Got it, Wally, Karen's a very attractive woman," Clark spoke up, cutting him off again. "Look, I just wanted to say thank you for being my friend and promising not to tell anyone. I really, really appreciate it, Wally."

Wally was touched by Clark's words and offered his hand. Clark took it.

"Sure thing, Big Guy, what are friends for. You can always count on me," Wally honestly said.

"Thanks, I knew you'd understand. Oh, by the way, I was just hoping you might keep it a secret a little while longer, please?"

The smile slipped a little on Wally's face.

"Continue to keep it a secret," he asked.

"Yeah, just for awhile," replied Clark. "You'd be doing me a big favor, Wally."

"I guess I could try," Wally admitted.

"Thanks, Wally, I knew I could count on you as a friend." Clark smiled at him and then shook his hand before heading out. Wally brightened at the trust Clark showed in him.

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