Blood On the Highway"

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Chapter 30

"Blood On the Highway"

New York

It was late. Clark quietly got out of bed, mindful of not disturbing Karen. Slipping on his trousers and shirt he moved out to the living room. The balcony doors were open. It was softly raining, a cool breeze shifting the curtains. He moved over to close the doors, but stopped to look out over the city. Even at this late hour he could hear noise coming from every direction. It always lived up to the moniker, the city that never sleeps.

Clark ran his fingers through his tussled hair. The breeze felt good against his skin. The woman he loved was sleeping in the next room and that knowledge filled him with indescribable joy. It was a perfect moment. Whatever might come, he felt lucky to have found her. Ma had been right; it was as simple as he loved her.

Karen had told him about the vote. Anger wasn't the emotion he had felt, which still surprised him. It was melancholy. He guessed after the conference nothing should surprise him. Perhaps he'd just hoped for more from those that knew him.

Clark reminded himself that was tomorrow. Right now he just wanted to enjoy the momentary sensations of being alive. His mind was at peace with his decisions whatever the future might bring. Gazing up into the rain at the night sky, Clark took a step out onto the balcony and let the droplets splash against his face. He just wanted to fully experience everything about this moment. He realized he was going to have to make some decisions and that change was coming, but that could wait until tomorrow.

The sound of Karen stirring brought a smile to Clark's face. He slowly turned and walked back inside. He reached the bedroom doorway and she looked up at him half asleep.

"Clark? Are you coming back to bed?'

"Yeah,' he replied. He slipped off his shirt and trousers and moved over to the bed and climbed in next to her. Her arms instinctively wrapped around him and pulled him closer. He lay there for quite awhile, just holding her. The smile never left his face.


Clark was in a rather contemplative mood as he made his way through the rain to his apartment. It was Saturday, so while he didn't have to work at the Planet there was the League's vote. He knew Bruce was probably the instigator of it. Clark even understood the logic behind it. Public opinion already seemed to be turning against Superman and by extension the League. By addressing it now, Bruce probably hoped to unify the members and get past it. Clark also knew it was Batman's way of sending a message to him.

Part of Clark, his pride and vanity, yes it had them, wanted to win the vote and then tell them to shove it, as he would do as he damn pleased. As satisfying as that thought was, Clark knew it wasn't an option. He was Superman. Because of all his amazing gifts, he couldn't let his honest anger out the way Bruce or Diana could. That would only make the problem worse. He'd been able to win the public's trust and respect by seeming to be above those sorts of things, like an angel or some other benign protector. Maybe that was what worried everyone about his dating Karen. It made them see that he was like everyone else, with the same wants and desires. It made him much too real.

Clark was still rolling over his options as he opened his apartment door.

"It's about time you got back, we have a crisis," Kara immediately shouted.

Clark stood in the doorway looking at the living room. Kara was already dressed in her Supergirl costume and the living room looked like a makeshift war room.

"Hello to you too," Clark replies, closing the door. "What's all this?"

"Well, since you decided to spend all you time with your girlfriend, someone had to come up with a plan," Kara informed him. "The vote's in just a few hours, Clark, we have to be prepared!"

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