Will I ever be okay?

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Niall's POV


"I was wondering if youwouldliketohangoutwiththemeandtheladsaftertheconcert?" I said swiftly.

"What?" She laughed lightly.

"I was wondering if you would like to hang out with me and the lads after the concert..." I looked down at the ground unsure of what she'd say.

"I'd love to!" She embraced me in a bear hug. I got that warm welcoming feeling when she hugged me. After a few minutes we pulled away and looked into eachother's eyes once more.

*End of Flashback*

I remember that day so clearly. This is how it all started for me. Right now I have been in a hospital waiting room for 48 hours. Rachel is in a coma and I have been here, waiting and hoping that she will wake up. The only reason I haven't given up is because of Madison. She has been with me through this whole thing so far. Louis is not happy because Kelcie can't remember who he is... Rachel's father threw her pretty hard on the ground when she hit her head.

So things are going crazy here.

"Niall, you okay?" Madison pulled me from vivid thoughts. I simply nodded because I haven't really been able to talk to anyone lately. My stupid mouth got Rachel put in this creepy hospital. "You know we are going to have to leave sometime" Madison said softly, rubbing my back. " I know.." I said in a whispering tone. "C'mon Niall. Let's go get something to eat" Madison urged me. I actually haven't eaten since i've been here. Sure, people offered but I said no because I just couldn't eat. My appetite for life has disappeared. Without Rachel here I don't think I could actually move on with my life. It's like i'm stuck in time, waiting for an escape within my head. "I'm not hungry" I said subtly. She looked at me weird. "Niall, you haven't eaten for two days! You need to eat. I hear your stomach growling all the time" Madison stands up and walks away towards the long hallway, leaving me alone with my uneasy thoughts. I took this chance to get some fresh air. I changed into the clothes that Zayn and Liam had brought me. I hesitated when I came to the hospital door. Should I leave Rachel? What if she wakes up while i'm gone? I backed away from the door slowly. My body isn't ready to leave her now. I slowly walk towards the hallway and there was no sign of Madison. I wandered the hallway until I saw Rachel's room. I have only been in there once. I haven't gone back because I hate to see her like this and I don't think she'd want me to ether.

Without thought I opened the door and saw Madison beside Rachel with her back facing the door. I stayed quiet and listened to what she was saying. "He hasn't been eating and the way he is always deep in thought. Please Rachel come back. Niall needs you more than any of us. Remember when you two first met? Remember Niall looking at you in Soundcheck?" She paused to laugh silently, then started again with a broken voice. "Everything is chaos without you Rachel. Kelcie doesn't remember a thing and I am a wreck, worrying for you and Niall. But you know what? I taught you that there is hope and that's what I am hanging on to. All that I do know is that if you don't wake up..." She stopped. "He will do anything to get you back.." Wait. Did she say something else? Who's 'he'? Confused and lost, I walked away not bothering to shut the door. I walked straight out those doors and the breeze caught me by surprise. I took a step back and spun around slowly, eyeing my surroundings. Everything is in Black and white now. A few leaves hurried across the pavement, out of the parking. Winds blew through the tall oaks and I could see a couple of dark clouds holding my tears. I walked along a quiet sidewalk with my head down and my hands in my pocket. I had never realized how normal this town was. I mean since I signed a record deal my view on things have changed just a tad. Nothing ever seemed normal because people always flooded the streets when I walked among the streets. Fortunately, today there was nothing stopping me from walking in a straight line. I felt something in my pocket and fished it out. A twenty dollar bill. Hmmm.. Maybe ill get a snack at Finn's Market. I knew this place like the back of my hand usually but today I was lost in everything. So I walked up a small hill and eventually found the market and walked in, acting casual. The cashier was flipping a magazine. I went towards the back and picked up a small bag of chips and some Random's. As I walked up to the checkout the cashier gasped and squeled. I was in no mood.

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