Steel Toe Boots

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A/N: This might be short guys. Sorry ): I don't have as much time to write but you deserve an update (: -Saraxx


Rachel's POV

 I had a dream about Niall last night. He had a picnic set up in a park that i've never seen before. It was almost sunset and then I saw him coming over. As he got closer to me my heart pumped so fast! He was inches away from me when he took one last look at me and kissed me. Niall led me to the picnic blanket on the grass by a weeping willow. We both sat on different sides and pulled things out of a tiny basket. In the basket were all kinds of sandwiches. Suddenly I heard music on the left side of Niall. Apparently stereos were magic now.. The stereo was playing a song I knew...

"The way you curse when we're in traffic

A million flavours of your chap stick

The way that you keep my heart captive

This is the way I feel

I can't wait for you to be my wife

to live this life, together

And I won't let you goo

I need you to know that you are my heart forever"

This amazing song is called "I can't wait" By Runner Runner. I sing this song all of the time! It's supposed to be about a guy who is singing to his girlfriend that he can't wait for her to be his wife. He found the one....

During this moment my dad comes charging toward me with a beer in his hand . I sat shivering and  scared because I didn't know what to do. Then my 'dad' knocked me on my back and started kicking me in the ribs. I tried to find any sign of Niall fighting him off of me, but he was gone. Just like that Niall vanished in a time when I needed him most. I felt the pain more and more each time he striked my ribs with his steel toe boots. I was screaming at the top of my lungs.

"Rachel?!" I heard someone in the distance yell. 

"Rachel are you ok?!" That's when I saw Madison hovered over me and looking worried. I knew I had to tell her everything eventually.

Madison's POV

"Rachel?!" I yelled. "Rachel are you ok?!" I heard Rachel scream from my room so I scrambled to hers. She must've had a bad dream. Rachel has been having a lot of those lately... I remember when we were kids, dad really abused our mom. After she died he usually beat the crap out of Rachel. Dad never really touched me because I was never in the house. Whenever I was though, I saw Rachel getting beaten by dad. It always killed me to watch. One time I had jumped in front of Rachel to block her from dads' rough hands. My right cheek had ached, but when he realized what he had done he walked out of the house. I really don't know why he didn't beat me when I protected Rachel. I know that I will never ask that son of a bitch I call 'dad'. That was that he hit me. I love Rachel with all my heart and i'm glad we moved away from him. We never really talked about dad until recently because Rachel hasn't been in the best state of mind lately. I'm still not sure why.

Rachel opened her eyes and after she stopped the screaming,she hugged me with tears falling down her face.

"What happened?" I asked, Rachel still snug in my shoulder crying. It was quiet for a moment, so i let her sob more because I knew it would help. Rachel was sniffeling when she managed to say something.

"It was a dream until dad knocked me on the ground and started kicking me in the ribs with his steel toe boots." She choked out looking at me expectantly with tears in her eyes.

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