Little Things

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Madison's POV

I wonder what Harry planned today. It was really bugging me that everything about him is perfect. Whenever I look into his indescribable green eyes I just melt. It's almost like he has this control over me that no one has had on me before. Don't even get me started about his Angelic voice! Harry Edward Styles is just perfect. "I am gonna have to put these on you both" Niall said holding blindfolds. I looked over to Rachel who was practically overflowing with happiness. Did they really watch a scary movie? It doesnt really matter right now so I just let Niall put them on me. 

Rachel's POV 

"Jeez! I'm going to trip" I laughed. "No you won't I got ya" Niall said guiding me out of the car. He had his arm around my waist and his other hand intertwined with mine. "Are you sure about that" I said smiling. I felt him nod as I layed my head on his shoulder. We came to a stop. "Now sit down and don't take the blinfolds off until we tell you" I could hear Niall's smile in his voice. Madison and I said ok and sat in some sort of comfortable chairs. 

" So Madison how about the weather today?" I giggled. 

"Oh it's just great ya know, just sunny and all" Madison laughed. 

"You can take them off now" I heard Niall's voice. I took it off and opened my eyes. We were in a stadium. Madison and I shared a look and put our attention toward the stage. 

"I put this all together mainly for Rachel" Niall started. "But we knew that you two would hate to be seprated for too much longer today and that Madison needs to hear this too" Harry finished. I could see Zayn, Louis and Liam behind Niall and Harry. Harry and Niall pull out chairs and line them up faceing us. Niall gets a guitar that was sitting beside him and they all have microphones. 

The guitar started playing and then I knew what this was. 

"Your hand fits in mine like its made just for me but bear this in mind it was meant to be" I smiled at Niall who was looking directly at me. 

"I know youve never loved the sound of your voice on tape" This really hit Madison and she started tearing up.I put my arm around her.

"You'll never love yourself half as much as i love you, and youll never treat yourself right darlin but I want you too. If I let you know I'm here for you, maybe you'll love yourself like i Love you" I smiled through the tears streaming down my face. When they all finished Niall jumped off of the stage to get to me and I met him halfway. "Thank you" I cried into his shoulder. "I will always love you and all of your little things" I felt a tear hit my back. I looked up and Niall was teary too. I hugged him even harder. Looking at Niall I realized that he is just absolutely perfect in every way possible. He always finds a way to make me love him even more than I thought I could ever love someone. 

"Niall?" He looked at me. "Yes" I smiled through my tears. "I love you so much" He smiled and wiped my tears with his thumbs. We held hands and then I realized that the other boys had just witnessed what just happened. I avoided their gazes and walked with Niall. "Oh don't be embarrased love" I heard Louis say. Then I felt arms around my waist. I leaned my head back and realized it was Niall. "Today was a good day dont you think?" He winked at me. I laughed. "No" I said, Niall frowned. "It was perfect" I kissed him. I led him to a chair in the front row and decided I was going to sing a song. I had Niall give me his microphone and I started singing a song I knew by heart. I asked one of the boys to play guitar on this one. Liam volunteered and when I told him the song he smiled.

"Oh morning come burstin the clouds Amen, lift off this blindfold let me see again" I started.

"Through chaos as it swirls its us against the world" I sang Us Against the World by Coldpay.

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